
3 unusual facts about Place des Vosges

Place des Vosges

Today the square is planted with a bosquet of mature lindens set in grass and gravel, surrounded by clipped lindens.


The town's main street enters through a sham arcaded façade that preserves the unity of the space as at the Place des Vosges.


The Place des Vosges in Paris was so renamed in 1799 when the department became the first to pay the new Revolutionary taxes.

4th arrondissement of Paris

It also contains the Renaissance square of Place des Vosges, the overtly modern Pompidou Centre and the lively southern part of the medieval district of Le Marais, which today is known for being the gay district of Paris (while the more quiet northern part of Le Marais is contained inside the 3rd arrondissement).

Château de Gerbéviller

The red pavilion also dates to 1620 and was built by Clément Métezeau, the architect of the Place des Vosges in Paris.

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