Placer Dome (and now Barrick) are defendants in an ongoing court battle over the highly controversial Marcopper mining disaster, which took place at the Marcopper Mine (run by Marcopper, a Placer Dome subsidiary) on the island of Marinduque, Philippines.
In New South Wales Australia, Placer Dome obtained ownership of the defunct Timbarra Gold Mine, where it achieved some local acclaim for setting new, higher State standards for mining rehabilitation.
Squaw Valley, Placer County, California | Tokyo Dome | Puy-de-Dôme | Under the Dome | dome | Georgia Dome | Edward Jones Dome | Under the Dome (TV series) | Millennium Dome | geodesic dome | Tokyo Dome City Attractions | RCA Dome | Puy de Dôme | Placer County, California | Placer County | Osaka Dome | Half Dome | Dome Petroleum | Dome | Bio-Dome | Beaumont, Puy-de-Dôme | Sydney Super Dome | Siple Dome | Dome of the Rock | Dome of Discovery | Thiers, Puy-de-Dôme | The Dome: Ground Zero | The Dome | Tacoma Dome | Sugar Dome |