
unusual facts about Planning committee

Planning committee

The entry on development control in the United Kingdom includes a detailed explanation about the role and workings of a planning committee, the planning officers who report to them - and including the role and significance of public comments and objections to any given planning application.

see also

Ami Miron

He is on the Upper Dublin School District Strategic Planning Committee in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania and is a member of several other community organizations.

Charles Coiner

He also served as Chair of the Upper Snake River Basin Advisory Group, on the Twin Falls City Water Planning Committee, and as a member of the Southeast Twin Falls Transportation Corridor Study.

David H. Frisch

Frisch served on the Physics Advisory Committee of the National Science Foundation, on the Brookhaven High Energy Advisory Committee, and was chairman of the Long-Range Planning committee of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

Dwyer Escarpment

This feature was first mapped by Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions (ANARE ) in 1962, which gave the name after L.J. Dwyer, a former Director of the Australian Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology, and a member of the ANARE Executive Planning Committee.

Mike Batty

At Cardiff, he was a Member of the Computer Board for British Universities and Research Councils, now JISC (1988–1990), a Member of the SERC (Science and Engineering Research Council) Transport Committee (1982–1985), Chair (1980–1982), then Vice-Chair (1982–1984) of the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) Environment and Planning Committee, and Chair of the Conference of Heads Of Planning Schools (CHOPS) 1986-1980.