
unusual facts about Plasma-powered cannon

Plasma cannon

Plasma-powered cannon, an experimental weapon which uses plasma to fire a solid projectile


This transfer of a plasma byproduct into the blood stream of a hemophiliac often led to the transmission of diseases such as HIV and hepatitis before purification methods were improved.

Arginine vasopressin receptor 1A

The AVPR1A is endocytosed by binding to beta arrestin, which dissociates rapidly from AVPR1A to allow it to return to the plasma membrane; however, upon activation, AVPR1A can heterodimerize with AVPR2 to increase beta-arrestin-mediated endocytosis (and intracellular accumulation) of AVPR1A, since AVPR2 is far less likely to dissociate from beta-arrestin.

Auroral chorus

Demonstrating a peak distribution near dawn, the auroral chorus is most detectable via ELF/VLF Radio receivers in the middle latitude around 30-60 degrees N. The most numerous recordings of the auroral chorus has been by the Iowa Plasma Wave Group.

Bio Products Laboratory

It is owned by Bain Capital (80%) and the UK Government (20%) via holding company Plasma Resources UK Ltd.

On 18 July 2013 it was announced that Bain Capital had bought 80% of Plasma Resources UK (PRUK) from the DoH for £230m, which included both BPL and DCI Biologicals.

Blood plasma

Following the "Plasma for Britain" invention, Dr. Drew was named director of the Red Cross blood bank and assistant director of the National Research Council, in charge of blood collection for the United States Army and Navy.

Blood plasma substitute

Volume expander (although providing volume is only one of many functions of blood plasma)

Brothers Grym

Some well known early horrorcore groups were: Russell Simmons’ nephew Redrum’s (Jamel Simmons) group The Flatlinerz, also featuring Omen OMN 999, a later inductee into Gravediggaz camp, under Poetic's Sharpshooters Regime on his label Plasma Records.

Chimerin 1

When lipid diacylglycerol (DAG) binds to the C1 domain, CHN1 is transferred to the plasma membrane and negatively regulates Rho-family small GTPases RAC1 and CDC42, thus causing the morphological change of axons by pruning the ends of axon dendrites.

Chromatography in blood processing

The Institute of Transfusion Medicine in Skopje, Macedonia is a plasma fractionation center in the Balkans.

Chuck Versus the Family Volkoff

She takes the thorium and leaves everyone in the vault with armed plasma bombs which Volkoff deactivates with a portable EMP generator.

Cushing's syndrome

Plasma CRH levels are inadequate at diagnosis (with the possible exception of tumors secreting CRH) because of peripheral dilution and binding to CRHBP.

Cynthia Breazeal

She also has a prominent role as a virtual participant in a popular exhibit on robots with the traveling exhibit, Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination, interacting with a real C-3PO (voiced by Anthony Daniels as she spoke to the audience through a pre-recorded message displayed on a large plasma flat-screen display.

David A. Frank-Kamenetskii

Between 1956 and 1970 Frank-Kamenetskii was the head of a laboratory in the I. V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy and organized and headed the Department of Plasma Physics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

Dense plasma focus

Experiments and computer simulations to investigate the capability of DPF for fusion power are underway at Lawrenceville Plasma Physics (LPP) under the direction of Eric Lerner, who explained his "Focus Fusion" approach in a 2007 Google Tech Talk.


Dense plasma focus, a plasma machine that produces, by electromagnetic acceleration and compression, short-lived plasma that is so hot and dense that it becomes a copious multi-radiation source


Durabrand does have some "company rivals," despite the low prices, their products are matched up between other in-house brands like Wal-Mart's iLo brand (considered as an upmarket brand, offers MP3 digital audio players and plasma video displays), Target's TruTech brand; and to an extent, K-Mart's former Curtis Mathes/White-Westinghouse (in the mid-to-late 1990s) now Home Essentials brand.

Festival de Música Moderna de Corroios

The first festival includes several projects like Yellow W Van, Factos Reais, Easyway, Plasma, The Poppers, Sugar, Dapunksportif e New Connection.


Hypericum extract, by inducing both the CYP3A4 and the P-glycoprotein (P-gp), can reduce the plasma concentrations of different antineoplastic agents such as imatinib, irinotecan and docetaxel, thus reducing the clinical efficacy of these drugs.

Institute for Plasma Research

Institute for Plasma Research is on the banks of the Sabarmati river in Bhat village of Gandhinagar district.

JB Hi-Fi

JB Hi-Fi has diversified its business from predominantly selling music CDs, and are now a major retailer for Plasma and LCD televisions, audio/visual, digital camera photography, portable audio, in-car entertainment, computer/video games, DVD & Blu-ray movies, gadgets and information technology.

Kjellberg Finsterwalde

In 2004, a new record was established by using three FineFocus 800 plasma cutting machines connected in parallel for the dismantling of a disconnected nuclear reactor at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Langmuir probe

A Langmuir probe is a device named after Nobel Prize winning physicist Irving Langmuir, used to determine the electron temperature, electron density, and electric potential of a plasma.

Long Josephson junction

where spatial coordinate is normalized to the Josephson penetration depth \lambda J and time is normalized to the inverse plasma frequency \omega p^{-1}.


This gene encodes a highly conserved protein consisting entirely of PLAT (polycystin/lipoxygenase/alpha-toxin) domains, thought to be involved in targeting proteins to the plasma membrane.


In the enterocyte microvillus, the structural core is attached to the plasma membrane along its length by lateral arms made of myosin 1a and Ca2+ binding protein calmodulin.

New Kids

He works as a forklift truck driver in a product warehouse, although it is apparent that he doesn't take much care in this job, as demonstrated in New Kids Turbo when he drives the forks of his truck directly into an boxed plasma television.

Padma Kant Shukla

He held a Ph.D. in Physics from Banaras Hindu University (BHU) in Varanasi, India and a second doctorate in Theoretical Plasma Physics from Umeå University (UmU) in Sweden.


The method gained popularity for plasma simulation in the late 1950s and early 1960s by Buneman, Dawson, Hockney, Birdsall, Morse and others.

Phased plasma gun

In Aliens, another film by James Cameron, a "phased plasma pulse rifle" is a weapon that the excitable Private William Hudson (Played by Bill Paxton), jokingly informs Ripley is part of the Marines arsenal (along with knives and sharp sticks).

Phil Morrison

Philip J. Morrison (born 1950), American physicist in the field of hydrodynamics and plasma physics and a professor at the University of Texas

Plasma diagnostics

The model for the plasma bulk is based on 2d-fluid model (zero and first order moments of Boltzmann equation) and the full set of the Maxwellian equations leading to the Helmholtz equation for the magnetic field.

Plasma display

In 1936, Kálmán Tihanyi, a Hungarian engineer, described the principle of "plasma television" and conceived the first flat-panel display system.

Plasma medicine

Direct interaction of active plasma components with biochemical and physiological processes influencing growth and vitality of cells and tissue

Plasma propulsion engine

Some of the components and "Plasma Shoots" experiments are tested in a laboratory settled in Liberia, Costa Rica.

Plasma receiver

NASA provided recordings of these interplanetary and outer space plasma vibrations to composer Terry Riley and Kronos quartet founder David Harrington, which inspired the composition of "Sun Rings", a multimedia 85-minute piece for string quartet and choir.

Plasma stability

It usually only makes sense to analyze the stability of a plasma once it has been established that the plasma is in equilibrium.

Plasma stealth

According to this June 2002 article, the Russian plasma stealth device has been tested aboard a Sukhoi Su-27IB fighter-bomber.

Q value

Fusion energy gain factor Q, the ratio of fusion power produced in a reactor to the power required to maintain the plasma in steady state

Quark–gluon plasma

A plasma is matter in which charges are screened due to the presence of other mobile charges; for example: Coulomb's Law is suppressed by the screening to yield a distance-dependent charge.

Radu Bălescu

Radu Bălescu (Bucharest, 18 July 1932 – 1 June 2006, Bucharest) was a Romanian and Belgian (Belgian since 1959) scientist and professor at the Statistical and Plasma Physics group of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).

RAF Locking

In October 2006, Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology became one of the first such companies to announce its move there.


Plasma recombination, the formation of neutral atoms from the capture of free electrons by the cations in a plasma

Theodor V. Ionescu

Thus, the history of plasma physics in Romania began in 1923 with the defense of the first PhD thesis in physics at the University of Iaşi by Theodor V. Ionescu, under the guidance of Professor Petru Bogdan.

Vlasov equation

The Vlasov equation is a differential equation describing time evolution of the distribution function of plasma consisting of charged particles with long-range (for example, Coulomb) interaction.

# Theory of pair collisions disagrees with the discovery by Rayleigh, Irving Langmuir and Lewi Tonks of natural vibrations in electron plasma.

William L. Kruer

Starting in 1972 he was a group leader for theoretical plasma physics and simulation at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and from 1993 a chief scientist in plasma physics there.


Zonal and poloidal, directions in a toroidal magnetically confined plasma

see also