
unusual facts about Polemic


André Martinet

The Prague School of linguistics was one of Martinet's main influences, and he is known for pioneering a functionalist approach to syntax which led to a violent polemic with Noam Chomsky.

Andrew Honeyman

Answering Naphtali, a Covenanter pamphlet of 1667, Honeyman became involved in a polemic exchange with James Stewart, one of the presumed authors.

Arnold Durig

He very probably served as the model for the "impartial person" in Sigmund Freud's polemic booklet "The Question of Lay Analysis: Conversations with an Impartial Person" (1926).

August Wilhelm Knobel

Exegetisches vademecum fur Herrn Professor Ewald in Tübingen, (Exegetical Handbook for Prof. Ewald at Tübingen); (1844)- This publication was a polemic in reaction to Georg Heinrich August Ewald's disparaging critique of Knobel's Der Prophet Jesaia.

Chico Xavier

His first books, Parnaso de Além-Túmulo, containing 256 poems attributed to deceased poets, among them, the two Portuguese João de Deus, Antero de Quental and Guerra Junqueiro and the Brazilians Olavo Bilac, Cruz e Sousa e Augusto dos Anjos, was published for the first time in 1932; the book caused strong admiration and polemic among the literature circle from that time.

Christendom Astray from the Bible

Christendom Astray From the Bible (commonly: Christendom Astray) is a polemic work by the Christadelphian Robert Roberts that claims to demonstrate that the main doctrines shared by most Christian denominations are at variance with the teachings of the Bible.


Henry Carey was a Tory, or an anti-Walpolean, and he identified with Alexander Pope, in particular, in his stance on the 18th century's cultural polemic (see Augustan poetry for the issues behind Ambrose Philips and Alexander Pope's poison pen battle).


Counterknowledge: How We Surrendered to Conspiracy Theories, Quack Medicine, Bogus Science and Fake History is a polemic by British writer and Daily Telegraph journalist Damian Thompson which examines the dissemination and reception of fringe theories.

Diego Tardelli

He was sent off in the last minute after arguing with referee Carlos Eugênio Simon about a polemic play he claimed a penalty.

Émile Littré

He had long discussions with Father Louis Millériot, a celebrated Controversialist, and Abbé Henri Huvelin, the noted priest of Église Saint-Augustin, who were much grieved at his death.

Frederik Moltke Bugge

A public polemic ensued between "classicists" and "realists"; Herman Foss and Anton Martin Schweigaard adhered to the latter.

Gabriel von Wayditch

The performance received a negative review from Henry Pleasants, a harsh critic of contemporary music who later wrote a frequently-referenced anti-contemporary music polemic, The Agony of Modern Music.

Goethean science

His work in optics, and his polemics against the reigning Newtonian theory of optics, were poorly received by the scientific establishment of his time.

Henry Longhurst

In his memoirs, My Life and Soft Times, (1971), he defended St Cyprians the school he had arrived at in 1915, from critics like Gavin Maxwell, and George Orwell who had attacked it in his polemic Such, Such Were the Joys.

Jacobus Revius

He showed, however, a domineering disposition and exercised a vehement polemic, as shown in his struggle with Cartesianism and the Remonstrants.

John A. Mackay

When he was graduated in 1915, he won a fellowship in didactic and polemic theology, which he used toward studies in Spanish culture at Madrid, Spain, to prepare for missionary work in Latin America.

John Cananus

The account differs from the contemporary history of John Anagnostes, who described Murad's sack of Thessalonica in 1430, chiefly in Cananus' frequent religious polemic, and in his willingness to write in the vernacular Greek, as opposed to the Atticism of Anagnostes and Critobulus.

Le Livre noir du Canada anglais

Le Livre noir du Canada Anglais (The Black Book of English Canada) is a series of three polemic books written by Quebec journalist Normand Lester.

Pasquale Galluppi

It was also natural that Galluppi should be foremost in attacking the theories of Rosmini concerning the idea of God as the first object of our knowledge: and it was this polemic (quiet enough in itself) which drew public attention to the Roveretan philosopher.

Rafik Schami

The story "Vampire lieben Knoblauch" ("Vampires Love Garlic") in Das Letzte Wort der Wanderratte tells how Günter with his crucifix and Ali with his crescent are equally helpless victims of the predator, Dracula; it is a mistake to seek anti-German polemic in Schami's writing.


In his polemic with Rufinus ("Apolog. adv. Rufinum", III, xx), St. Jerome refers to the archives (chartarium) of the Roman Church, where the letter of Pope Anastasius (399-401) on the controversy over the doctrines of Origen was preserved.

Salvador Moncada

He gained notoriety for his discoveries related to nitric oxide function and metabolism, and his exclusion from the 1996 Lasker Award and the 1998 Nobel Prize in medicine was strongly polemic.

see also