After serving as director of research at the Police Foundation in Washington, DC, from 2001 to 2003, he moved to Texas State University-San Marcos where he currently holds the Endowed Chair in Criminology and is director of the Center for Geospatial Intelligence and Investigation.
He created the Police Executive Research Forum, an organization of police executives from the nation’s largest city, county, and state law enforcement agencies, and led the Police Foundation in a period when it published pivotal reports on issues ranging from the police use of deadly force to the efficient use of patrol resources.
In late 1973, Murphy became president of the Police Foundation, which the Ford Foundation established in 1970 with a $30 million commitment.
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The New Orleans Police Foundation, a group concerned about crime and police ineffectiveness in New Orleans, hired Maple and Linder for $1 million in consulting fees.
He also serves as a Board Member for the Center for Houston’s Future, Discovery Green Conservancy in Houston, Friends of the Texas Historical Commission, Friends of Vicksburg National Military Park, Houston Police Foundation, The Admiral Nimitz Foundation, and the Texas State Historical Association.
In 1976, Mark travelled to the United States to chair a conference designed to assist the Washington, DC-based Police Foundation in setting up the Police Executive Research Forum, a think tank devoted to training police executives and improving management practices.