Apache Attic is a project of Apache Software Foundation to provide process and solutions to make it clear when an Apache project has reached its end of life.
On June 21, 2007, the project graduated from incubation as a top level project and is considered the smallest size software at Apache Software Foundation.
The original name for the Apache Software Foundation, most famous for its support of the Apache HTTP Server
Apache Isis was voted into the Apache Incubator in September 2010, and graduated as a top-level project of the Apache Software Foundation in October 2012.
Google Wave was accepted by the Apache Software Foundation's Incubator program under the project name Apache Wave.
This module used to be third-party, but was granted to the ASF as an Apache HTTP Server subproject in 2009, shepherded by Chris Darroch.
All code, documentation and specifications added, from the time of Python 2.1's alpha release on, is owned by the Python Software Foundation (PSF), a non-profit organization formed in 2001, modeled after the Apache Software Foundation.
Since April, 2010, Nutch has been considered an independent, top level project of the Apache Software Foundation.
Examples include open source software projects such as the GNU project, the Apache Software Foundation, and Linux (protected via the Linux Mark Institute).
OpenMeetings is a member in Apache Incubator of the Apache Software Foundation.
On November 9, 2010, the Apache Software Foundation threatened to withdraw from the Java Community Process if they were not granted a TCK license for Harmony without additional restrictions.
On December 9, 2010, the Apache Software Foundation resigned its seat on the Java SE/EE Executive Committee.
uPortal has integrated Apache Software Foundation's Pluto software to become JSR 168 and JSR 286 compliant allowing it to host portlets.
National Science Foundation | software | Ford Foundation | Rockefeller Foundation | Apache | John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation | Electronic Frontier Foundation | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | Application software | New York Foundation for the Arts | Mozilla Foundation | id Software | Guggenheim Foundation | Eclipse (software) | Alexander von Humboldt Foundation | Andrew W. Mellon Foundation | Wikimedia Foundation | Apache Software Foundation | foundation | Software development kit | Make-A-Wish Foundation | John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Clinton Foundation | software development | Software as a service | Open Software Foundation | Konex Foundation | Foundation series | Software | Lotus Software |
At the same time, he was a co-founder of the Apache Software Foundation, and made many contributions to the early development of the Apache HTTP Server.