
unusual facts about Polish communist

Leopold Lewin

Arrested by NKVD, he became a Polish communist, joining the Union of Polish Patriots there, and was an author of many socrealistic poems (like 'Song of United Parties' - 'Pieśń Partii Zjednoczonych').

see also

Henryk Batuta hoax

Henryk Batuta, real name Izaak Apfelbaum, (born 1898 in Odessa – died 1947 near Ustrzyki Górne) was a Polish communist and an activist in the international workers' movement.

Hilary Minc

Minc was a close associate of the Polish Communist leader Władysław Gomułka in their joint meetings with Joseph Stalin at the Kremlin.

Soviet reaction to the Polish crisis of 1980–81

In November 1997 a conference was held in Jachranka on the Soviet role in the Polish crisis of 1980–1981, where Solidarity, Polish communist, Soviet and American participants of the events, including Jaruzelski, Kania, Siwicki, Kulikov and Brzezinski, took part.

Stanisław Jaros

Stanisław Jaros (January 19, 1932 – January 5, 1963) was a Polish electrician who was executed for carrying out two assassination attempts of Polish Communist leader Władysław Gomułka, and one attempt to kill Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev.

Strachy na Lachy

In 2007 Strachy na Lachy recorded a tribute album to Jacek Kaczmarski, and a year later they released their tribute to the underground Polish communist music culture, the album Zakazane Piosenki (Forbidden songs).

Zofia Wasilkowska

Zofia Wasilkowska (9 December 1910 in Kalisz – 1 December 1996 in Warsaw), was a Polish communist politician.