
unusual facts about Polytechnics


André Sardet

He attended a mechanical technical engineering course at the polytechnics' Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra (ISEC), but dropped out in order to pursue his career in music.

Certified National Accountant

and Higher National Diploma from Nigerian Universities and Polytechnics qualify for admission to a three-year training program at the Nigerian College of Accountancy, Jos.

Erk/Liberty Democratic Party

Famous poet Muhammad Salih was elected as the Leader of the party, who was the Chairman of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan at the time; as a vice-chairman of the party was elected Atanazar Arif, physicist (at the next party meeting this post was replaced with the new posts of General Secretary and Secretaries of the Central Committee of the party), who was vice-chairman of the trade union committee of the Tashkent Polytechnics Institute.

Harry Thubron

He also helped to create a prototype for Britain's Polytechnics by sending his students to work on collaborative projects with engineering students from Leeds College of Technology, out of which Leeds Polytechnic was formed.

Singapore Armed Forces ranks

The primary source of regular specialists is from institutes of technical education (ITE) and polytechnics, through various schemes which provide study grants.

Western Region, Ghana

The Western region has many post-secondary schools, including teachers' and nursing colleges, polytechnics, and a university at Tarkwa, the University of Mines and Technology.

see also