
5 unusual facts about Ponthion


Charles the Bald, however, upheld the rights of Ansegisus at the synod of Ponthion.

Lambert I of Spoleto

On 16 July, at Ponthion, Charles confirmed the donation of a large part of Spoletan territory to the papacy, but Lambert was still the most powerful lord in the central peninsula and a practically independent prince.

Odo I of Beauvais

On 16 July 876, Odo spoke at the Synod of Ponthion in favour of recognising the primacy of Archdiocese of Sens in Gaul, a position that put him at odds with his metropolitan, Hincmar of Reims.

Patrimonium Sancti Petri

Pepin received his guest at Ponthion, and promised to do all in his power to recover the Exarchate of Ravenna and the other districts seized by Aistulf.

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Sens

Ansegisus was named by John VIII primate of the Gauls and Germania and vicar of the Holy See for France and Germany, and at the Council of Ponthion, was installed above the other metropolitans despite the Hincmar's opposition.


Ponthion |

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