
2 unusual facts about Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Sens

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Sens

Ansegisus was named by John VIII primate of the Gauls and Germania and vicar of the Holy See for France and Germany, and at the Council of Ponthion, was installed above the other metropolitans despite the Hincmar's opposition.

St. Lupus (Lou, or Leu, born c. 573): bishop between around 609 and 623, son of Blessed Betto of the royal house of Burgundy and St Austregilde (founder of the monastery of Ste-Colombe and perhaps the monastery of Ferrières in the Gatinais.

Victor-Félix Bernadou

title=Archbishop of Sens

He was promoted to metropolitan see of Sens on July 12, 1867, which he remained until death.

Victor-Félix Bernadou (June 25, 1816 - November 15, 1891) was a French cardinal, since 1867 archbishop of Sens.

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