
unusual facts about Pope Benedict

Rodney Adler

Adler has involved himself in various causes, including helping to promote the "Turn Friday Night Into Family Night" initiative of charismatic rabbi Shmuley Boteach, reportedly discussing the initiative with Pope Benedict in May 2010 during the Pope's weekly audience in St Peter's Square.

see also

2009 Hermosillo daycare center fire

Pope Benedict XVI sent a telegram to Archbishop of Hermosillo José Ulises Macías Salcedo.

Angelo Sodano

Jason Berry writes that Sodano, as John Paul II's secretary of state, "pressured Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the future Pope Benedict, in two notorious cases," the Hans Hermann Groër case and the Marcial Maciel case, to stop investigations into abuse.

Antonio María Rouco Varela

When Pope Benedict XVI resigned on February 28, 2013, Cardinal Rouco Varela again was a cardinal elector and participated in the subsequent papal conclave that elected Pope Francis.

Assyrians in Iraq

The Pope Benedict XVI Islam controversy arose from a lecture delivered on 12 September 2006 by Pope Benedict XVI at the University of Regensburg in Germany.


Bonum sane was a motu proprio on Saint-Joseph written by Pope Benedict XV and delivered on July 25, 1920.

Communion and Liberation

According to Vatican reporter John Allen, during this time Ratzinger told a priest of CL that Giussani "changed my life"; Allen also reports that the papal household is now run by consecrated members of CL (Memores Domini) and that Pope Benedict joins them weekly for their School of Community.

Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations

On February 12 2009, the conference's leaders met with Pope Benedict XVI in order to re-assert the importance of Jewish–Catholic relations in the wake of the controversy over negationist comments made by Society of St. Pius X bishop Richard Williamson.

Daniel M. Buechlein

Auxiliary Bishop Christopher J. Coyne served as the Apostolic Administrator until October 18, 2012 when Pope Benedict appointed Joseph William Tobin, C.Ss.R. Archbishop-Elect of Indianapolis.

Foreign Office papal visit memo

The memo suggested that Pope Benedict XVI, during his visit, could launch a range of branded condoms, visit an abortion clinic, bless a gay marriage and apologize for the Spanish Armada.


Galvanus de Levanto (fl. 14th century), also called Galvanus Januensis, Galvanus of Genoa, and Galvano de Gines), Italian theologian, physician to Pope Benedict XII

God is Love

Deus Caritas Est - Latin for "God is Love", Pope Benedict XVI's first Papal Encyclical

John I. Jenkins

Jenkins has led Notre Dame delegations during his presidency to the Vatican to meet with Church officials, including a brief visit with Pope Benedict XVI; to France to celebrate the beatification of Blessed Basil Moreau, C.S.C., founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, the University’s founding religious community; and to Jerusalem to mark the 35th anniversary of the establishment of the University’s Ecumenical Institute.

Juan de Palafox y Mendoza

The rite of beatification was presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, by mandate of Pope Benedict XVI.

Karl Josef Becker

According to John L. Allen, Jr., Becker enjoyed the respect and trust of then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the prefect of the congregation (and future Pope Benedict XVI).


Leonella Sgorbati (1940–2006), an Italian Roman Catholic nun who was murdered in Somalia shortly after controversial comments by Pope Benedict XVI concerning Islam

Marco Augusto Dueñas

The sculpture, 4.5 meters high and made of white marble, is exposed on the exterior facade of St. Peter's Basilica and was blessed by the Pope on January 20, 2010.In 2010 Marco Augusto won another contest sponsored by Pope Benedict XVI to make a sculpture of Saint Maron, to be exhibited in the Vatican.

Marco Cé

In 2006, he was invited by Pope Benedict to preach the Lenten spiritual exercises to him and the Roman Curia.

Medicinal Fried Chicken

These are references to allegations that Pope Benedict XVI ignored warnings and concealed evidence that Rev. Peter Hullermann engaged in several acts of child sexual abuse under the future Pope's watch as Archbishop of Munich and Freising in the 1980s.

Palace of the Kings of Majorca

On 20 September 1415, the Emperor met with Pope Benedict XIII at the palace with the King Ferdinand I of Aragon and the delegations of the Counts of Foix, Provence, Savoy, Lorraine, the embassy of the Roman church for the Council of Constance, and embassies from the Kings of France, England, Hungary, Castille and Navarre.

Piero Marini

Some surmised that the timing of Marini's departure may be linked to the July 2007 decision by Pope Benedict to liberalise permission for the 1962 Tridentine Mass.

Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization

Pope Benedict quoted Pope Paul VI who stated that the work of evangelisation "proves equally increasingly necessary because of the frequent situations of de-Christianization of our days, for multitudes of people who have been baptized but who live quite outside of Christian life, for simple people who have a certain faith, but he knows the basics wrong, for intellectuals who feel the need to know Jesus Christ in a different light from the teaching they received as children, and for many others ".

Pope Benedict XVI and Islam

Pope Benedict XVI appealed on July 30, 2006 for an immediate cease-fire in the Middle East, hours after the deadliest attack in nearly three weeks of fighting between Israel and Hezbollah.

Pope Benedict's pleas to stop the carnage, particularly after an Israeli air raid killed many civilians in Qana, have echoed the dramatic appeals of Pope John Paul during times of Mideast conflict.

Rainer Woelki

On 2 July 2011 Pope Benedict XVI ratified Woelki's election by the cathedral chapter of Berlin and appointed him Archbishop of Berlin.

Renato Corti

He was embrolied in scandal after Pope Benedict XVI on 7 July 2007 issued the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum liberalising the use of the Latin Mass.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Limburg

The bishop Franz Kamphaus stepped down after Pope Benedict XVI had accepted his retirement on 2 February 2007.


Sacramentum Poenitentiae, an apostolic constitution published by Pope Benedict XIV in 1741


Caritas in Veritate (Latin: Charity in Truth) is the third encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI.