
4 unusual facts about Pope Sixtus V

Bijela, Herceg Novi

The 16th-century Pope Sixtus V was descended from a family originating in the area of Bijela.

Gilbert Génébrard

About 1578 he went to Rome where he was honourably received by Pope Sixtus V and stood in close relation to Cardinal Allen, Baronius, Bosio, and other ecclesiastical celebrities.

Gregorio Petrocchini

In response to general expectations, Pope Sixtus V appointed Petrocchini superior general of his order in a ceremony in Rome in 1587, after the death of P. Spirito Vicentini.

Maximilian III, Archduke of Austria

Maximilian was taken captive at the battle and was only released a year and half later after the intervention of Pope Sixtus V in the aftermath of the Treaty of Bytom and Będzin.

Castore Durante

He later taught at the "Archiginnasio della Sapienza" (now called the Sapienza University of Rome) and, on the recommendation of Cardinal Girolamo Rusticucci, was appointed chief physician at the court of Pope Sixtus V.


The title was definitively suppressed in 1587 by Pope Sixtus V, who assigned a titulus of Sts Quirico e Giulitta to Cardinal Ferdinando de' Medici.

Francesco Maria Guazzo

However, in 1441 Pope Eugene IV merged them into one congregation called ‘Congregatio Sancti Ambrosii ad Nemus’ of which Francesco Maria Guazzo was a member under the papacy of Pope Sixtus V and Pope Paul V.

Le Curé de Tours

(7) Troubert is bracketed, perhaps somewhat improbably, with Pope Sixtus V, Pope Gregory VII, Pope Alexander VI, Pope Innocent III and Czar Peter the Great of Russia.

Milaor, Camarines Sur

The work of evangelization in Milaor began in 1579 when the Franciscan missionaries came to the Philippines upon the order of Pope Sixtus V and King Philip II, and given specific assignment to work in Bicol Region.

Paolo Giordano I Orsini

After these events Paolo Giordano returned to Rome, where he started a relationship with Vittoria Accoramboni, wife of Francesco Peretti, the nephew of the future Pope Sixtus V.

Rossese bianco

In 1596, Andrea Bacci of Sant'Elpidio a Mare, a winemaker who also served as a physician to Felice Peretti di Montalto before his elevation to Pope Sixtus V noted that a grape known as Rossese bianco or Roxeise had been producing wine of high quality and reputation since the 15th century.

Sacred Congregation of Rites

The Sacred Congregation of Rites was a congregation of the Roman Curia, erected on January 22, 1588 by Pope Sixtus V and its functions reassigned by Pope Paul VI on May 8, 1969.

San Teodoro, Rome

It was rebuilt under Pope Nicholas V, had its long-held titular-church status suppressed by Pope Sixtus V, was renovated by Francesco Barberini in 1643, and rebuilt and given to the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus by Pope Clement XI and his architect Carlo Fontana in 1703-1705.

Stefano Lusignan

In 1578 Stefano was awarded the title of Titular Bishop of Limassol from Pope Sixtus V .

Vittoria Accoramboni

On the death of Pope Gregory XIII, Cardinal Montalto, her first husband's uncle, was elected in his place as Sixtus V (1585); he vowed vengeance on the duke of Bracciano and Vittoria, who, warned in time, fled first to Venice and thence to Salò in Venetian territory.

see also


Immensa Aeterni Dei is an apostolic constitution in the form of a papal bull issued by Pope Sixtus V on February, 1588

Lodewyk van Berken

One stone was the Beau Sancy, another became the property of Pope Sixtus V, and the third was given by Charles to Louis XI.