
unusual facts about Prairie Chapel Ranch

David Heymann

David Heymann is an American architect who was commissioned by President George W. Bush to design an environmentally friendly house for the Prairie Chapel Ranch near Crawford, Texas.

Peg Mullen

She continued her anti-war activism in protesting the Gulf War, and tried to meet with Cindy Sheehan, a mother whose son was killed during the Iraq War, at Sheehan's protests outside George W. Bush's Prairie Chapel Ranch in Crawford, Texas.

Waco, Texas

The airfield is still in operation and was used by Air Force One when former US President George W. Bush visited his Prairie Chapel Ranch, also known as the Western White House, in Crawford, Texas.

see also

James Connally Air Force Base

From January 2001 through January 2009, the former airfield of James Connally AFB was used by Air Force One when US President George W. Bush visited his Prairie Chapel Ranch, also known as the Western White House, in Crawford, Texas.