
3 unusual facts about Prime Computer


Late in its history, Cydrome received an investment from Prime Computers and OEMed the Cydra-5 through Prime.

Massachusetts Miracle

Some notable companies at the time of the Miracle were Digital Equipment Corporation, Data General, Wang Laboratories, Prime Computer, and Apollo Computer.

Telecom Gold

It was based on Prime minicomputers running Dialcom software (ITT Dialcom was later acquired by BT in 1986).

MAI Basic Four

In 1988, Wall Street financier Bennett S. LeBow, who had acquired a controlling interest in the company, used it as a platform for an unsuccessful attempted hostile takeover of much larger Prime Computer.


DEC gave rise to a number of minicomputer companies along Massachusetts Route 128, including Data General, Wang Laboratories, Apollo Computer, and Prime Computer.

Packet Switch Stream

Network management had been run on a system of 24 Prime 63xx and 48xx computers running a modified versions of Revisions 20 and 22 of the Primos operating system.


In addition to IBM, Honeywell, CDC, Data General, Digital Equipment, Prime Computer, Burroughs, RCA, and Univac served on X3J1 along with major users Eastman Kodak, MITRE, Union Carbide, Bell Laboratories, and various government and university representatives.

see also


The CP/M name follows a prevailing naming scheme of the time, as in Kildall's PL/M language, and Prime Computer's PL/P (Programming Language for Prime), both suggesting IBM's PL/I; and IBM's CP/CMS operating system, which Kildall had used when working at the Naval Postgraduate School.