
unusual facts about Prime Minister of the Netherlands

Prime Minister of the Netherlands

The independent cabinets of Aruba, Curaçao, and Sint Maarten also have their own prime ministers: Mike Eman (Prime Minister of Aruba), Gerrit Schotte (Prime Minister of Curaçao), and Sarah Wescot-Williams (Prime Minister of Sint Maarten).

see also

Coen Teulings

Born in Rijswijk, Coen Teulings was the grandson of Frans Teulings, Deputy Prime Minister of the Netherlands 1951-52.


Gijsbert van Tienhoven (1841–1914), prime minister of the Netherlands from 21 August 1891 until 8 May 1894

Kate Holt

She went on to uncover an extensive cover-up by the UN in New York of the issue which led directly to the resignation of High Commissioner for Refugees and the former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Ruud Lubbers.

Mark Rutte

When he was sworn in on 14 October 2010, he became the first Liberal Prime Minister of the Netherlands in 92 years.