
unusual facts about Prime mover

Induction generator

In generator operation, a prime mover (turbine, engine) drives the rotor above the synchronous speed.

Patrick Secker

Secker was booked by a police officer in April 2006 for tailgating a prime mover.

Southern Pacific 3100

The work included upgrading the prime mover with later GE U33-compatible parts, a complete rewiring of the high- and low-voltage electrical systems, the installation of an AAR control stand and a new number - SP 6800.

Water power engine

A Water power engine includes prime movers driven by water and which may be classified under 3 categories.

Wiccan views of divinity

Gardner explains that these are the tribal gods of the witches, just as the Egyptians had their tribal gods Isis and Osiris and the Jews had Elohim; he also states that a being higher than any of these tribal gods is recognised by the witches as Prime Mover, but remains unknowable, and is of little concern to them.

see also

Alcott House

The prime mover behind the community was "sacred socialist" and mystic James Pierrepont Greaves, who was influenced by American Transcendentalist Amos Bronson Alcott, and Swiss educational reformer Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi.


Aneurin (Nye) Bevan, Labour Minister responsible for the establishment of the National Health Service and his wife Jennie Lee also a Minister in the same Labour Government and a prime mover in the creation of the Open University, came to live at Wood Farm, Asheridge during the 1950s.

BMG Music Canada

Previously working for Henri Dès albums, it acquired the Lanoraie, Quebec-based Interdisc Distribution Inc. to form BMG Québec, in 1990, originally as BMG Musique du Québec with Nicolas Ferrier as the prime mover.

Ferrand Martinez

Ferrand Martinez (fl. 14th century) was a Spanish cleric and archdeacon of Écija most noted for being an antisemitic agitator whom historians cite as the prime mover behind the series of pogroms against the Spanish Jews in 1391 beginning in the city of Seville.

J. G. M. Ramsey

As rumors spread that the Confederate Army was planning to release Brownlow, the elder Ramsey wrote to Jefferson Davis, calling Brownlow the "prime mover and instigator" of Union sentiment in the region, and demanded he be court-martialed.

Rose Moss

In 2008, Lekota became a prime mover of a new political party in South Africa, the Congress of the People, COPE.

Tom Ölander

He was the prime mover for the second Finnish sf convention King Con in 1989 (20 years after the first one), with the assistance of a boat load of Swedish imports, and regularized the tradition of convention holding by working to institute the biannual Finncon tradition.

Tom Proulx

He was the main programmer of the first version of Quicken and prime mover of its successful merger with TurboTax.

Westbourne, Dorset

Florence Nightingale had an interest in Westbourne when in 1867 she was a prime mover in the building of the Herbert Home Hospital.