
unusual facts about Primitive

Afrasia djijidae

The largest eosimiid, Bahinia, is from the Pondaung Formation, the same stratum as Afrasia, and the morphology of its molars bridges the gap between the more primitive molars of Eosimias and the more derived molars of the later Eocene African simians.


Seeds of some species are attacked by the caterpillars of Agathiphaga, some of the most primitive of all living moths.

An Instinct for Dragons

Jones then argues against the common hypothesis that dragon myths might be motivated by primitive discoveries of dinosaur fossils (he argues that there are widespread traits of dragons in folklore which are not observable from fossils), and claims that the common traits of dragons seem to be an amalgam of the principal predators of our ancestral hominids, which he names as the raptors, great cats (especially leopards) and pythons.

Anarchism in Iceland

The Russian anarchist Peter Kropotkin first noted in his book Mutual Aid that Norse society, from which the settlers in Iceland came, had various "mutual aid" institutions, including communal land ownership (based around what he called "the village community") and a form of social self-administration, the "Thing" – both local and Iceland-wide – which can be considered a "primitive" form of the anarchist communal assembly.


A primitive anastylosis was carried out in 1836 at the Acropolis in Athens, where the Temple of Athena Nike was re-erected from remaining parts.


Although the Greeks and Romans typically scorned Egypt's animal-headed gods as bizarre and primitive (Anubis was known to be mockingly called "Barker" by the Greeks), Anubis was sometimes associated with Sirius in the heavens, and Cerberus in Hades.


salteri strongly resembles the thyestiids Procephalaspis and Thyestes, and within Thyestiida, it represents a transitional form between the primitive, superficially Cephalaspis-like forms, such as Thyestes, and the more specialized tremataspid thyestiids, like Tremataspis, Dartmuthia, or Dobraspis, whose headshields tend to resemble hot buns or horseshoe crabs.

Blue Range Wilderness

It is located on the western border of New Mexico where it adjoins the Blue Range Primitive Area of Arizona and west of U.S. Route 180 between Reserve and Glenwood.


Simpson noted that Carodnia resembles the primitive unitathere Probathyopsis.


Although they have been traditionally included in this family, there is no evidence that primitive coelurosaurs like Ornitholestes, Proceratosaurus and Scipionyx form a clade with Coelurus to the exclusion of other traditional coelurosaur families.

David Tipling

His work is influenced by the Swedish painter Bruno Liljefors whose often brooding depictions of predator-prey action - the hunts engaged between sea eagle and eider, goshawk and black grouse - help to create their darkly primitive atmosphere.

Davis Mountains State Park

The park has seven miles of equestrian trails in the special use Limpia Canyon Primitive Area, the section of the park north of Texas State Highway 118.

Edward Reginald Frampton

Mr. Frampton considered himself to have been influenced both by primitive Italian painting and the English Pre-Raphaelite design, and also by the compositions of Pierre Puvis de Chavannes.

First law of thermodynamics

It rests on the primitive notion of walls, especially adiabatic walls, presupposed as physically established.

Frankenstein Conquers the World

While Frankenstein is on the run, he travels to many places, from Okayama (where he eats more animals) to Mount Ibuki, where his primitive childlike activities (throwing trees at birds and trying to trap a wild boar) end in disaster.

George H. Love

His process improvements included focusing on industrial sales rather than private distribution, major changes in the safety requirements of coal mining, removing primitive implements such as mules and picks with modern mechanical equipment.


The primitive snake Najash lived here as well, along with turtles, fish, frogs, and cladotherian mammals.

Hei Tiki

Hei Tiki also known as Primitive Passions and Hei Tiki: A Saga of the Maoris was a 1935 American film made in New Zealand by the eccentric Alexander Markey, and released with sound added in America.

History of Chongqing

The fossils of a lower jawbone and teeth of an extinct non-hominin ape discovered near Wushan County in 1985 was originally thought to be a 2 million year old primitive human known as Wushan Man.

Honcourt Abbey

In its circular form, a great rarity, the abbey church strongly resembled the church of Ottmarsheim near Kembs, an outstanding example of primitive Romanesque architecture and a faithful replica, only smaller, of the Palatine Chapel in Aachen.

Hugh Bourne

One notable achievement of this revival was the religious conversion of Burslem-born William Clowes (1780-1851), the other joint founder of Primitive Methodism.

Indian dog

Pariah dog, which includes primitive breeds from Asia and the United States

James Austin Bastow

James A. Bastow was born in Hunslet near Leeds in 1810 and was the eldest child of John Bastow, a weaver, and Mary Wade, As a youth he attended a Primitive Methodist church in Leeds, where he was converted and soon began to work as a lay preacher.

Jane Ellen Harrison

Thus she began her book with analyses of the best-known of the Athenian festivals: Anthesteria, harvest festivals Thargelia, Kallynteria, Plynteria, and the women's festivals, in which she detected many primitive survivals, Thesmophoria, Arrophoria, Skirophoria, Stenia and Haloa.

John Zerzan

Zerzan's claims about the status of primitive societies are based on a certain reading of the works of anthropologists such as Marshall Sahlins and Richard B. Lee.

In his essay on number, for example, Zerzan starts by contrasting the "civilized" emphasis on counting and measuring with a "primitive" emphasis on sharing, citing Dorothy Lee's work on the Trobriand Islanders in support, before constructing a narrative of the rise of number through cumulative stages of state domination, starting with the desire of Egyptian kings to measure what they ruled.

Kosi Bay

Kosi bay is an ancient home of the Tsonga people and their primitive fish traps, the history of Vatsonga people on this land dates back some 800 years ago, Kosi bay and Maputo bay are one land and they belong to the Tsonga people.

Lepidoptera genitalia

Monotrysian : Primitive groups have a single genital aperture near the end of the abdomen through which both copulation and egg laying occur.

London Saxophonic

In 1998, they went to the now-defunct label Tring (primarily a budget-label of technically primitive, cheaply recorded classical music) with a Michael Nyman retrospective titled An Eye for a Difference, produced by David Roach.

New York Tunnel Extension

The technology of tunnel-building was still primitive and risky in the 1880s, and this gave impetus to a major bridge design proposal promoted by engineer Gustav Lindenthal.

North Carolina Highway 284

Its routing through the Great Smoky Mountains was demoted to Old NC 284 (Cove Creek Road) and today remains primitive road; it is thus unpaved and is maintained by the National Park Service.

Ohio Penitentiary

Conditions in the prison have been described as "primitive," and the facility was eventually replaced by the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility, a maximum security facility in Lucasville.

Padovan sequence

The Padovan sequence is named after Richard Padovan who attributed its discovery to Dutch architect Hans van der Laan in his 1994 essay Dom. Hans van der Laan : Modern Primitive.

Propositional formula

In the years between the first edition of 1912 and the 2nd edition of 1927, H. M. Sheffer 1921 and M. Jean Nicod, nowadays known as the "stroke" or NAND (NOT-AND, NEITHER ... NOR...).


Prosalirus bitis is the name given to a fossil frog found in Arizona in 1981 by Farish Jenkins, which has primitive features, but has mostly lost the salamander-like traits of its ancestors.

Race Drivin'

The game was ported to various systems such as the Game Boy, Sega Genesis, and SNES but received sub-par reviews due to the over-demanding requirements (i.e. 3D rendering) of the game on what was still primitive hardware as well as the poor translation of the arcade controls (steering wheel, shifter, etc.) to the new platform's controls.


With its enigmatic position at the base of this radiation, Radinskya is a member of the Chinese Paleocene fauna which includes primitive tethytheres such as Minchenella and the oldest arsinoitheres; it shares many characters with perissodactyls and some with phenacolophids, but is to primitive to be called either a horse, a rhino, or a tapir.

Raffaele Pettazzoni

A significant part of Pettazzoni's work was devoted to refuting the theory of primordial monotheism (Urmonotheismus) developed by Schmidt and the study of supreme beings of primitive religions.

Robert Redfield

After a series of published field studies from Mexican communities (Tepoztlán in Morelos and Chan Kom in Yucatán), in 1953 he published The Primitive World and its Transformation and in 1956, Peasant Society and Culture.

Silvia Federici

Federici's best known work, Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation, expands on the work of Leopoldina Fortunati.

The Kin of Ata Are Waiting for You

The island is inhabited by whom he gradually learns are a deceptively primitive people where every aspect of their waking lives is governed by their dream life.

The Mongol in Our Midst

It advanced the now-discredited idea, then prevalent in contemporary scientific racism, that so-called "Mongolian imbecility," a form of mental retardation now known as Down syndrome, was an atavistic throwback to the more primitive Mongoloid race.


"Tribal Vodoun" is about primitive religions and voodoo, while "Subterranean Infiltrator" is inspired by the Metal Gear video game series.

Torey Pudwill

As of August 2012, Pudwill's sponsors are Plan B Skateboards, DVS Shoes, Skatelab, Diamond Supply Co, Andale Bearings, Venture Trucks, Primitive, Plan B Wheels, CCS, Grizzly Grip, DaKine, Red Bull, and Nixon.

Urban anthropology

In its early stages during the 19th century, anthropology was principally concerned with the comparative study of foreign (i.e. non-Western) cultures, which were frequently regarded as exotic and primitive.


This degradation is to blame for the brown or bronze color of grass or foliage in many old paintings, although not typically those of the "Flemish primitive" painters such as Jan van Eyck, who often used normal verdigris.

Vijoy S Sahay

They organized long ceremonial voyages on their primitive type of canoes to maintain their traditional system of inter-island trade relationship, which in some ways resembled the 'kula' of the Trobriand Islands, as described by Malinowski (1922) in his book Argonauts of the Western Pacific.

Walsall Wood F.C.

The club's original name was Walsall Wood Ebenezer Primitive Methodists, stemming from its affiliation with a local Methodist chapel.

West End Church of Christ Silver Point

In his book The Souls of Black Folk, author W. E. B. Du Bois wrote of the primitive conditions of a black schoolhouse at nearby Alexandria, where he taught class while a student at Fisk University in the 1880s.

Western religion

Celtic and Germanic religion was described by Roman ethnography as primitive, but at the same time as pure or unspoiled compared to the so-called urban decadence of Rome.

see also