Cooking at her new home was not easy and happened on a wood burning stove that needed almost continual stoking to prevent the flames from going out; for quite a time, she relied heavily on her Primus stove.
In chapter 5 of Missee Lee from Arthur Ransome's Swallows and Amazons series, Susan of the Swallows is shown using meta fuel to preheat a Primus stove.
The Primus stove, the first pressurized-burner kerosene (paraffin) stove, was developed in 1892 by Frans Wilhelm Lindqvist, a factory mechanic in Stockholm, Sweden.
Primus stove | stove | Stove | Sink and Stove Records | Primus inter pares | Matthew Primus | R. J. Stove | Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church | Pearl Primus | Marcus Antonius Primus | Kitchen stove | G.I. pocket stove | David Stove |
Although Sigg no longer sells fuel bottles under its own name, it still manufactures them for companies such as Mountain Safety Research (MSR) and Primus.