
unusual facts about Prince Lazar

Dorotheus of Hilandar

Prince Lazar confirmed large properties in the area of town of Kruševac and Braničevo area.

Olivera Despina

Olivera Despina Hatun was born around 1372, the youngest daughter of Prince Lazar and Princess Milica of Serbia.

see also

Order of St. Prince Lazar

5 February 1998 the heir to the Serbian throne, in exile, Prince Peter III is officially included in the list of holders of the Order of St. Prince Lazar.

The order of Saint Prince Lazar was instituted by the Decision of the Parliament, signed by the King Aleksandar I, to commemorate the fifth centenary of the Battle of Kosovo (28 June 1389), that ended in the collapse of the medieval Serbian state.


After Nikola Altomanović, the holder of a large province during the fall of the Serbian Empire, was defeated in 1373, his estates were divided between Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović of Serbia, Đurađ I Balšić of Zeta, and Ban Tvrtko I Kotromanić of Bosnia.