
unusual facts about Prior restraint

Prior restraint

In William Blackstone's Commentaries “Freedom of the Press” is defined as the right to be free from prior restraints.

Imprisonment of Roger Shuler

The imprisonment of Roger Shuler is an event in United States jurisprudence which attracted some notice both nationally and internationally for its application of prior restraint, unusual under American law.

Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Auditorium

Justice Harry Blackmun, writing for the court, held that the prohibition on staging the musical was an illegal prior restraint.

The Cartoons that Shook the World

Cary Nelson, the president of the American Association of University Professors issued a statement describing the decision not to publish the illustrations as prior restraint.

see also


The English poet John Milton titled his defence of freedom of the press "Areopagitica," arguing that the censors of ancient Athens, based at the Areopagus, had not practiced the kind of prior restraint of publication being called for in the English Parliament of Milton's time.