
2 unusual facts about Priscian

Codex Sangallensis

Codex Sangallensis 878grammatical texts, including the Ars minor and Ars maior of Aelius Donatus, the grammar of Priscian, the Etymologiae of Isidore of Sevilla and the grammar of Alcuin;


A verse translation into 1087 hexameters of Dionysius's Periegesis, or geographical survey of the world.


Priscian |

Archbishop Nectarius of Constantinople

However, they sent three --Syriacus, Eusebius and Priscian—with a synodal letter to Pope Damasus I, archbishop Saint Ambrose and the other bishops assembled in the council at Rome.

Codex Sangallensis 878

It contains mainly excerpts of grammatical texts, including the Ars minor and Ars maior of Aelius Donatus, the grammar of Priscian, the Etymologiae of Isidore of Sevilla and the grammar of Alcuin.

Old Irish

Important Continental collections of glosses from the 8th and 9th century include the Würzburg Glosses (mainly) on the Pauline Epistles, the Milan Glosses on a commentary to the Psalms and the St Gall Glosses on Priscian's Grammar.

see also