The video for "Prison Sex" was created with stop-motion animation techniques, and was directed by the band's guitarist Adam Jones (who had previous experience in art direction and animation, including work on the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park) and was edited by Ken Andrews.
Sex and the City | Sex Pistols | Prison Break | prison | sex | New York State Prison Inspector | San Quentin State Prison | same-sex marriage | Mixed-sex education | Fresnes Prison | Sex and the City (film) | Same-sex marriage in the United States | Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols | Her Majesty's Prison Service | Catholic sex abuse cases | Spandau Prison | Sex and Zen | Same-sex marriage | Prison | Portsmouth Naval Prison | oral sex | Newgate Prison | HM Prison Pentridge | God Save the Queen (Sex Pistols song) | Changi Prison | Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine | Blood Sugar Sex Magik | Single-sex education | Sex Education | Sex and The City |