
unusual facts about Private foundation

Groupement d'intérêt économique

A Groupement d'intérêt économique (abbreviated GIE; in English Economic Interest Grouping or Economic Interest Group, abbreviated EIG) is a Francophone consortium of related businesses, companies, foundations, organisations or institutes which are formally pooling their efforts for competitive advantage.

Cornelis Kruseman Stichting

The foundation's objective is to bring the work of nineteenth century painter Cornelis Kruseman (1797-1857) and his painting family members to the attention of the public.

Schmidt Ocean Institute

The Schmidt Ocean Institute is a non-profit private foundation focused on oceanography, founded in March 2009 by Eric Schmidt and Wendy Schmidt.

see also


European Council for Fatwa and Research, a private foundation composed of Islamic clerics and scholars.

Jesse H. Jones

In 1937, Jesse Jones and his wife, Mary Gibbs Jones, who was the established Houston Endowment Inc., which eventually became the largest private foundation in Texas.

Michael Vatikiotis

He currently lives in Singapore and is the Asia Regional Director of the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, a Geneva-based private foundation that facilitates dialogue to resolve armed conflicts.

Payne Fund Studies

They were paid for by The Payne Fund, a private foundation, and performed in the late 1920s and early 1930s.

San Francisco SPCA

The facility is named for the pet Miniature Schnauzer of PeopleSoft founder Dave Duffield, who concentrates his philanthropy in the animal welfare world via the private foundation Maddie's Fund.