
unusual facts about Procrastination


Cal Newport argues that students' brains acknowledging such daunting tasks will not yield positive results.


Procrastination |

Iran–Saudi Arabia relations

In November 2010, the whistle blowing website Wikileaks disclosed various confidential documents pertaining to the US and its allies which revealed that King Abdullah urged the US to attack Iran to destroy its nuclear weapons programme, describing Iran as a snake whose head should be cut off without any procrastination.

Temporal motivation theory

According to Lord, Diefenforff, Schmidt and Hall, the theory "models the motivating power of approaching deadlines, arguing that the perceived utility of a given activity increases exponentially as the deadline nears. These and similar ideas have been applied to the pervasive phenomenon of procrastination".


There was considerable delay (possibly procrastination) between the first Verilog-A language reference manual and the full Verilog-AMS, and in that time Verilog moved to the IEEE, leaving Verilog-AMS behind at Accellera.

see also