Juhasz is the lead author and editor of the 2010 edition of The True Cost of Chevron: An Alternative Annual Report, for which she received a 2010 Project Censored Award.
Project Censored, Top 25 in 2005, for "Ambitions of Empire: The Radical Reconstruction of Iraq's Economy".
He has traveled and lectured in many countries, and served on numerous boards and advisory boards, such as Common Cause (national board), World Academy of Art and Science (executive board), Volunteers in Technical Assistance (board), and Project Censored (editorial judge).
Professor Robert Jensen and journalist Norman Solomon resigned from Project Censored's panel of national judges over the decision to highlight the 9/11 conspiracy theories of Steven E. Jones, a founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, in Censored 2007.
Manhattan Project | Project Runway | Project Mercury | Human Genome Project | The Blair Witch Project | Project Gemini | Project Greenlight | Project Nike | Project Blue Book | Federal Art Project | Project Orion | Men's Recovery Project | Eden Project | World Justice Project | Wounded Warrior Project | The Octopus Project | The Alan Parsons Project | Project Xanadu | Gotan Project | German nuclear energy project | Tony Hawk's Project 8 | The Spamhaus Project | The Mindy Project | Project Pluto | Project management | project management | Project Grudge | Project Athena | Investigative Project on Terrorism | Hello! Project |
In 2006, he spoke to the U.S. Congress about his reporting on these issues, and in 2008 his article about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, was discussed in the book, Censored 2008, as one of the top 25 overlooked news stories of 2007.