Encouraged by conversations between Richard W. Porter of General Electric and Alan T. Waterman, Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF), Rosen on November 27, 1954 completed a report describing the potential value of launching an earth satellite.
The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington was given overall responsibility, while initial funding came from the National Science Foundation.
The Vanguard "Satellite Launch Vehicle", a term invented for the operational SLV rockets as opposed to the Test Vehicle TV versions, was a much smaller and lighter launcher than the Redstone-based Jupiter-C/Juno 1 rocket which launched the Explorer satellites, or the immense R-7 that the Soviets used to launch the early Sputniks.
Minitrack was the forerunner of another NRL-developed system called NAVSPASUR, which remains operational today under the control of the Air Force and is a major producer of spacecraft tracking data.
Manhattan Project | Project Runway | Project Mercury | Vanguard Records | Human Genome Project | The Blair Witch Project | Project Gemini | Project Greenlight | Vanguard | Project Nike | Project Blue Book | Federal Art Project | Project Orion | Men's Recovery Project | Eden Project | World Justice Project | Wounded Warrior Project | Village Vanguard | The Octopus Project | The Alan Parsons Project | Project Xanadu | Gotan Project | German nuclear energy project | Tony Hawk's Project 8 | The Spamhaus Project | The Mindy Project | Project Pluto | Project management | project management | Project Grudge |
In 1954, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower assigned NRL responsibility to launch satellites during the International Geophysical Year (IGY), Newell was promoted to Acting Superintendent of NRL's Atmosphere and Astrophysics division, with an additional assignment as science coordinator for Project Vanguard.