Tried and convicted for piracy, Nutt was about to be hanged when George Calvert, then Secretary of State, intervened on his behalf having been a friend and associate of his while Nutt and his family were living in the Avalon Colony.
province | Buenos Aires Province | Transvaal Province | Katanga Province | Cape Province | Avalon | Western Province | New Ireland Province | Kars Province | Pichincha Province | Santa Fe Province | Dewa Province | Entre Ríos Province | Roman province | Rhine Province | Natal Province | Helmand Province | Battambang Province | La Convención Province | Hakkâri Province | Western Province (Papua New Guinea) | Northern Province | Mendoza Province | Guanacaste Province | Province of New York | Fars Province | Boulgou Province | Province | Manabí Province | El Oro Province |
The Charter of Avalon was granted to Lord Baltimore by James I. Dated 7 April 1623 it created the Province of Avalon on the island of Newfoundland and gave Baltimore complete authority over all matters in the territory.