
unusual facts about Provisional IRA

Carmen Proetta

Carmen Proetta is an independent witness to Operation Flavius, a controversial British Army operation in which the Special Air Service shot dead three unarmed Provisional IRA members in Gibraltar on 6 March 1988.

Continuity Irish Republican Army

Much of it's weaponry is believed to be mostly of Provisional IRA origin such as the Romanian AKM rifles the Provisional IRA managed to receive from Libya.

Jonesborough, County Armagh

On 17 February 1978, a British Army Gazelle helicopter, went down near Jonesborough after being fired at by a Provisional IRA unit from the South Armagh Brigade.

Mullaghmore, County Sligo

It was off the Mullaghmore coast in August 1979 that Lord Mountbatten, along with The Dowager Baroness Brabourne, The Hon. Nicholas Knatchbull and County Fermanagh teenager Paul Maxwell, were killed by a bomb planted by the Provisional IRA.

Murray v United Kingdom

On the morning of 26 July, Margaret Murray was taken into custody by the Army on suspicion of fund-raising for the Provisional IRA in connection with her brothers' activities and taken to the Springfield Road screening centre.

Sentence Review Commission

Many members of the community, especially Unionists were aggrieved at this part of the Agreement, however this was seen as necessary to appease the paramilitary organisations, namely the Provisional IRA, Ulster Volunteer Force and the Ulster Defence Association.


Ternhill is a village in Shropshire, England, notable for its Royal Air Force training airfield ("Clive Barracks"/RAF Ternhill) which was the site of a bombing by the Provisional IRA on 20 February 1989 in which one person was injured.

The Troubles in Jonesborough

17 February 1978 - Ian Corden-Lloyd (39), member of the British Army was killed when the Gazelle helicopter in which he was travelling crashed, shortly after having been hit by gunfire from a Provisional IRA unit, near Jonesborough, County Armagh.

Timeline of the Irish Republican Army

There is a further dispute regarding the 1969 split between the "Official" IRA and the (subsequently dominant) splinter groups the Provisional IRA and Irish National Liberation Army, again despite widespread usage in practice.

UK Unionist Party

It was also highly critical of the British Labour government of Tony Blair for allowing Sinn Féin to participate in the Northern Irish government prior to the IRA fully disarming.

Willie O'Dea affidavit controversy

The apartment had been rented out to them by Nessan Quinlivan, a former Provisional IRA volunteer and the brother of Sinn Féin candidate for Limerick City Council Maurice Quinlivan.

see also

Chlorane Bar attack

Three weeks after the attack the Provisional IRA, using their sometime cover-name of the "Republican Action Force", entered Walker's Bar in Templepatrick and killed three Protestant civilian customers in retaliation for the Chlorane attack.

Death of Kenneth Salvesen

Gary Sheehan, Garda Síochána 23589L, killed by the Provisional IRA

Ian Corden-Lloyd

The shooting down of a British Army helicopter and the death of such a high-ranking officer was used as propaganda by the Provisional IRA, which published a report of the action in An Phoblacht.

Martin Galvin

Galvin was the publicity director for the New York-based NORAID, an Irish American group fund-raising organization which raised money for the families of Irish republican prisoners, but was also accused by the American, British, and Irish governments to be a front for the supply of weapons to the Provisional IRA.

Methodist Church in Ireland

Gordon Wilson, a member of the Church was the father of Marie Wilson, one of 11 victims of the Enniskillen Remembrance Sunday Parade bombing by the Provisional IRA.