
6 unusual facts about Public Records Act 1958

Census in the United Kingdom

Public access to individual census returns in England and Wales is normally restricted under the terms of the 100-year rule (Lord Chancellor's Instrument no.12, issued in 1966 under S.5 (1) of the Public Records Act 1958); until recently, returns made available to researchers were those of the 1901 Census.

County record office

Public access to central government archives (technically known as Public Records) and by extension to local government records was previously regulated in accordance with instruments such as the Public Records Act 1958 and the Public Records Act 1967.

John Crampton

It was not until 1994 (under the "fifty year rule" of the Public Records Act 1958) that the existence of the spy missions became public knowledge.

Master of the Rolls

However, the Public Records Act of that year transferred responsibility for the PRO from the Master of the Rolls to the Lord Chancellor.

Public Record Office

The growing size of the archives held by the PRO and by government departments led to the Public Records Act 1958, which established standard procedures for the selection of documents of historical importance to be kept by the PRO.

Universal Postal Union Collection

The Universal Postal Union Collection is a deposit by the General Post Office (GPO) in the United Kingdom, under section 4 of the Public Records Act, of its duplicate Universal Postal Union collection of 93,448 stamps, covering the period from 1908.

see also