
2 unusual facts about Public image

Public image

Public relations, maintaining a desirable public image for high-profile people and organizations

Public Image Ltd, a post-punk English musical group, with lead-singer John Lydon of the Sex Pistols

Wheel Squad

Some of these plans include purchasing low-quality paint and secretly re-selling it when Mr. Rotter tells him to throw it away, thinking nobody wants to buy it however the plan meets an obstacle when Emilie, knowing Johnny needs some paint for a school display, suggest Mr. Rotter to donate it in order to improve his public image.

see also

Bellahouston Academy

Russell Webb - Guitarist with the Zones, The Skids, Armoury Show and Public Image Ltd.

Boda, Rajgarh

The Indian National Congress in Boda has been ruling for a long time because of Mr. Dhool singh Yadav, who is the former M.L.A. of Narsinghgarh Tehsil who made his public image in a very short period of time.

Dombey and Son

Her love for Florence initially prevents her from leaving, but finally she conspires with Mr Carker to ruin Dombey's public image by running away together to Dijon.

Kirby Puckett

In the March 17, 2003 edition of Sports Illustrated, columnist Frank Deford wrote an article entitled "The Rise and Fall of Kirby Puckett", that documented Puckett's alleged indiscretions and attempted to contrast his private image with the much-revered public image he had previously maintained.

Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies

Established in 1985, it was initially headed by sociologist Renate Mayntz (1985/86), followed by political scientist Fritz W. Scharpf (1986-2003), both of whom exerted a profound influence on the institute's research and public image.

New Baptist Covenant

Former United States Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton proposed the establishment of a broadly inclusive alternative Baptist movement to counter the public image of Baptists as being predominantly tied to conservative political and cultural perspectives.

Pansy Craze

By the end of the 1920s much of the public image of gay people was still limited to the various drag balls in Village and in Harlem, but the early 1930s saw a new development within a highly commercial context, bringing the gay subculture of the enclaves of Greenwich Village and Harlem onto the mainstream stages of midtown Manhattan in a veritable Pansy Craze from 1930 until the repeal of prohibition in 1933.

Peter Jones

Pete Jones (born 1957), former bass player for Public Image Limited, 1982–1983, and former member of the band Cowboys International

The Return of Courtney Love

As well as this, Perry and Love's friend Billy Corgan of The Smashing Pumpkins state that the reason for the album's critical and commercial failure was Love's public image, which at the time was plagued by constant court appearances and an infamous appearance on Pamela Anderson's Comedy Roast.