The ground along with the Gymkhana Club itself was located along the Halpin Road, today renamed Pyidaungzu Yeiktha Street, and was adjacent to the Prome Road, today renamed Pyay Road.
It contains many important buildings, including banks, hospitals, several government buildings, various television and radio stations, including the National Museum, the old National Parliament building, People's Square and Park, Yangon University, and leads up to Inya Lake.
Abbey Road Studios | Silk Road | road | Road Rules | Abbey Road | Road to Perdition | New Circle Road | road racing | Jinshajiang Road Station | Waterloo Road | road running | On the Road | National Road | Lansdowne Road | Grand Trunk Road | Jinyun Road Station | Great North Road | Toll road | Road to Avonlea | Long Island Rail Road | Waterloo Road (TV series) | The Jungle (Wheldon Road) | Road bicycle racing | Portobello Road | toll road | Road to Zanzibar | Road Town | road bicycle racing | Ledo Road | Great Road |
For years, its main broadcast center is at 426 Pyay Road in Kamayut in Yangon.