
unusual facts about Pygmy

1938 in Germany

10 September — Hermann Göring, in a speech at Nuremberg, calls the Czechs a "miserable pygmy race" who are "harassing the human race."


The pygmy copperhead is 60 cm (2 ft) long, and lives in South Australia and on Kangaroo Island.


The Mbuti people, one of several indigenous pygmy groups in the Congo region of Africa

Bluebarred pygmy sunfish

The bluebarred pygmy sunfish, Elassoma okatie, is a species of pygmy sunfish endemic to South Carolina, United States, where it prefers waters with dense vegetation growth in the Edisto and Savannah River drainages.

Carolina pygmy sunfish

The Carolina pygmy sunfish, Elassoma boehlkei, is a species of pygmy sunfish endemic to the United States, where it is only known from the Waccamaw and Santee River drainages in the Carolinas.

Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit

The Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit is an isolated population of pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) native only to a single area of Washington state called the Columbia Basin.

Godesberg Memorandum

10 September 1938 — In a speech at Nuremberg, Hermann Göring calls the Czechs a "miserable pygmy race" who are "harassing the human race".

Haplogroup B-M60

It was the ancestral haplogroup of not only modern Pygmies like the Baka and Mbuti, but also Hadzabe from Tanzania, who often have been considered, in large part because of some typological features of their language, to be a remnant of Khoisan people in East Africa.

Homo floresiensis

Prior to Jacob's removal of the fossils, a CT scan was taken of the skull and a virtual endocast of the skull (i.e., a computer-generated model of the skull's interior) of H. floresiensis was produced and analyzed by Dean Falk et al. This team concluded that the brainpan was not that of a pygmy nor an individual with a malformed skull and brain.

Hubert Le Blanc

The second part, the longest in the treatise, is told in the form of a dialogue between "Sultan Violin, an abortion and a pygmy," and Lady Viol, in which these allegorical characters debate the relative merits of the viol and the violin in the Jardin des Tuilieres prior to a Concert Spirituel in which the violinists Giovanni Battista Somis (1686–1763) and Francesco Geminiani (1687–1762) are to play in the Italian style at a highly publicized concert.

Ironwood Ridge High School

As the school district applied for the permit, the cactus ferruginous pygmy owl was listed as an "endangered species" under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) by the FWS in 1997.

John Olmsted

During his time in Mendocino he worked with Hans Jenny in recognizing and preserving the Pygmy Forest, which is located within the boundaries of Jug Handle.


The Kerala Forest Department has recently deputed search teams to the forests of Agasthyavanam, Neyyar and the Peppara Wildlife Sanctuaries to search for the pygmy elephants.

Lake Tele

The 1996 book Congo Journey, by British travel writer Redmond O'Hanlon, describes in some detail his journey through Congo to Lake Tele in search of Mokèlé-mbèmbé, as well as giving a rich description of local fauna, flora and Congolese cultural practices and relations with the indigenous Pygmy peoples.


It is notable for being the home of Pygmy clans and their camp settlements and hunting areas, such as those of the Lala and Bakola clans.

Monotropsis odorata

Monotropsis odorata, also known as sweet pinesap or pygmy pipes is a member of the subfamily Monotropoideae of the blueberry family, the Ericaceae.

Pygmy beaked whale

A specimen that stranded at Paracas, Peru in 1955 (first tentatively identified as Andrews' beaked whale) has since been identified as a pygmy beaked whale.

Pygmy Cormorant

Populations of Pygmy Cormorant in Romania have a dramatically decline especially in 60’ when due to the communist agricultural policies The Great Brăila Island and important parts of Ialomiţa Pond were drained in order to practice agriculture, so this the habitats of a great number of aquatic birds were destroyed.

Pygmy Nuthatch

The Pygmy Nuthatch features prominently in the climax of the 2000 film Charlie's Angels, in which Cameron Diaz's character, Natalie, discovers the location of the villains' fortress by identifying the call of the Pygmy Nuthatch, which she says only live in Carmel, California—though the bird shown is not a Pygmy Nuthatch, which in any case is found in a much wider range.

Pygmy race

Pygmy peoples- various short-statured peoples from around the world who have been termed "pygmy"

Pygmy ribbontail catshark

The first known specimens of the pygmy ribbontail catshark were collected during the 1907–1910 Philippine Expedition of the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross.

River kingfishers

The African Dwarf Kingfisher is sometimes placed in the monospecific genus Myioceyx, and sometimes with the Pygmy Kingfishers in Ispidina.

Spined pygmy shark

The spined pygmy shark was one of many new species discovered during the course of the 1907–1910 Philippine Expedition of the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross.

Tasmanian pygmy possum

Tasmanian pygmy possums are omnivorous, feeding on insects, spiders, small lizards, nectar, and pollen, the latter two primarily coming from Banksia and eucalypts.

see also