
3 unusual facts about Pylos

Alison Frantz

Just before the Second World War, Frantz was charged with the task to photograph in two days more than six hundred tablets of Linear B, discovered by the famous American archaeologists Carl Blegen in the Mycenaean palace of Pylos.

Mabel Lang

She was the author of several books on Classical Greek law and culture, and was a contributor to the deciphering of the Linear B inscriptions found at Pylos.

Thebes tablets

The same phenomenon, part of ritual Mycenaean feasting, occurs in the contemporary Pylos tablets.


Pylos |

Battle of Pylos

The establishment of an Athenian garrison in Spartan territory frightened the Spartan leadership, and the Spartan army, which had been ravaging Attica under the command of Agis, ended their expedition (the expedition only lasted 15 days) and marched home, and the Spartan fleet at Corcyra sailed to Pylos.


The Kaucones (or Caukônes) were an autochthonous tribe of Anatolia (modern-day Turkey) whose migrations brought them to the western Greek mainland in Arkadia, Triphylian Pylos, and north into Elis.


Because of this it is assumed that he was a king (Mycenaean wanax, Linear B wa-na-ka), and ruled over Pylos.

Minoan chronology

In the first two weeks he discovered the Linear A tablets, a streak of luck exceeded only by Carl Blegen's legendary first day's dig at Pylos, when he uncovered the Pylos tablets, written in Linear B, a script also found at Kephala and named by Evans.

Palaio Loutro

It is located a few kilometres from Chora, the site of Nestor's Palace, and the seaside port of Pylos.

see also