
unusual facts about Qamar ud-Din Khan

Amir Khan III

He was a favorite of the Emperor Muhammad Shah but was appointed governor of Allahabad in 1739 against his wishes due to the Vizier Qamar ud-Din Khan and re-called to court in 1743 C.E. He was naturally of free speech and the emperor fond of his repartee had him more license in his conversation than was consistent with respect to his own dignity when he was on business with the emperor which by degrees disgusted Muhammad Shah and made him wish his removal from office.


Here are also buried Azam Shah, Aurangzeb’s son, Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah, the founder of the Hyderabad dynasty, his second son Nasir Jang, Nizare Shah, king of Ahemadnagar, Tana Shah, last of the Golkonda kings and a host of minor celebrities.

Qamar-ud-din Khan, Asif Jah I

Nizam ul-Mulk never formally declared his independence and insisted that his rule was entirely based on the trust reposed in him by the Mughal Emperor.

Now there came from the Emperor an elephant, jewels and the title of Asaf Jah, with directions to settle the country, repress the turbulent, punish the rebels and cherish the people.

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