
32 unusual facts about Emperor


In the summer of 357, Ursacius and Valens, the advocates of this latter group of dissidents in the West, through the influence which they were enabled to bring to bear upon the Emperor by means of his second wife, Aurelia Eusebia (Panegyr. Jul. Orat., iii; Ammianus, XXI, vi, 4), succeeded in bringing about a conference of bishops at Sirmium.


In Germany, the title of Vogt (advocatus or "advocate") was given not only to the advocati of churches and abbeys but also, from early in the Middle Ages, to officials appointed by the Holy Roman Emperor to administer lands directly under his dominion, as opposed to the comital domains, owned by counts who had become hereditary princes of the Empire.

Andrey Sheptytsky

In 1899, following the death of Cardinal Sylvester Sembratovych, Sheptytsky was nominated by Emperor Franz Joseph to fill the vacant position of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Bishop of Stanyslaviv (now Ivano-Frankivsk), and Pope Leo XIII concurred.

Bene Tleilax

The Tleilaxu are one of the five subfactions in the 2001 computer game Emperor: Battle for Dune.

Biała Prudnicka

Under a 1601 petition of the barons, emperor Rudolf II of the Holy Roman Empire extended special protective privileges to the Jewish population of Zülz.

Blood Tsunami

Pete gave Bård Eithun (a.k.a Faust, ex- Emperor, Aborym, Scum) the Blood Tsunami demo from 2004 and asked if he would give it a try.

Byzantine aristocracy and bureaucracy

At the apex of the pyramid stood the Emperor, sole ruler (autokrator) and divinely ordained, but beneath him a multitude of officials and court functionaries operated the administrative machinery of the Byzantine state.

Castello Maniace

The first fort was built here in 1038 by George Maniakes, a Greek general and later the catepan of Italy, after his capture of Syracuse from Arabic rule, on behalf of the Emperor Michael IV.

De-Pierre Map

The map was dedicated to empress Elisabeth Christine, the wife of Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor.

Eduard Franz

In 1961, Franz and Scott Marlowe guest starred in the episode "The Duke of Texas" of CBS's western series Have Gun - Will Travel, with Richard Boone, as two Austrians involved in intrigue in the days of Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico.

Garfield's Pet Force

On the planet Dorkon, Professor Wally (the professor counterpart to Wally) shows Emperor Jon (the Emperor counterpart to Jon Arbuckle) his new invention, The Moscram ray gun, a device powered by the Klopman crystal that can scramble inanimate objects and organisms into new creatures under the user's control.

Jean Louis Barthélemy O'Donnell

After the return of the French army from Spain, he was recalled to the general staff of the Emperor, and remained in service in France until the abdication of Emperor Napoleon at Fontainebleau.

Khawaja Nazimuddin

He was appointed a Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire (CIE) in 1926, and was knighted in 1934 by the King-Emperor, George V, when he was appointed a Knight Commander of the Order of the Indian Empire (KCIE).

La Belle Alliance

Blücher, the Prussian commander, suggested that the battle should be remembered as la Belle Alliance, to commemorate the European Seventh Coalition of Britain, Russia, Prussia, the Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Sardinia, and a number of German States which had all joined the coalition to defeat the French Emperor.

Leo III the Isaurian

Leo III the Isaurian also known as the Syrian (Greek: Λέων Γ΄ ὁ Ἴσαυρος, Leōn III ho Isauros), (c. 685 – 18 June 741) was Byzantine Emperor from 717 until his death in 741.

Magnolia denudata

Its flowers were regarded as a symbol of purity in the Tang Dynasty and it was planted in the grounds of the Emperor's palace.

Maximilian Karl Lamoral O'Donnell

Maximilian Karl Lamoral Graf O’Donnell von Tyrconnell (October 29, 1812 — July 14, 1895) was an Austrian officer and civil servant who became famous when he saved the life of Emperor Franz Josef I of Austria.

Meñli I Giray

He proclaimed himself Khagan (Emperor), claiming legitimacy as the successor of the Golden Horde's authority over the Tatar khaganates in the Caspian-Volga region.

New Kalabsha

It was built by Emperor Augustus and was the largest free-standing temple of Egyptian Nubia.


Throughout the ages this "tall, leavened fruitcake" makes cameo appearances in the arts: It is shown in a sixteenth-century painting by Pieter Brueghel the Elder and is possibly mentioned in a contemporary recipe book written by Bartolomeo Scappi, personal chef to popes and emperors during the time of Charles V.


Pertisau is also the location of the Fürstenhaus, a country residence of Emperor Maximilian I of Austria.

Qamar-ud-din Khan, Asif Jah I

Nizam ul-Mulk never formally declared his independence and insisted that his rule was entirely based on the trust reposed in him by the Mughal Emperor.

Now there came from the Emperor an elephant, jewels and the title of Asaf Jah, with directions to settle the country, repress the turbulent, punish the rebels and cherish the people.

R. Scott Bakker

The sequel series, the Aspect-Emperor trilogy, picks up the story twenty years later with Kellhus leading the Inrithi kingdoms in directly seeking out and confronting the Consult.


In October 955 A.D. the vicinity of river was the site of famous Schlacht an der Raxa (Battle of Recknitz) between the German (Saxons and Frisians) army of Emperor Otto I of Germany commanded by Gero the Great and the Obodrite and other Polabian Slavs warriors army under prince Stoigniew, brother of prince Nakon.

Rúhíyyih Khanum

During her travels she was received by the following heads of state and government; Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia; Malietoa Tanumafili II of Western Samoa; Prime Minister Indira Gandhi of India; President Félix Houphouët-Boigny of Côte d'Ivoire; President Carlos Menem of Argentina; Prime Minister Edward Seaga of Jamaica; and Javier Pérez de Cuellar, Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Samurai 7

He is later revealed to be the 49th clone of the Emperor and after surviving a three-day ordeal of constant questioning, Ukyo is proclaimed heir to the throne.

Spacing Guild

In Emperor: Battle for Dune (2001), the Spacing Guild plays the role of a subhouse.

The Education of a Christian Prince

The book was dedicated to Prince Charles, who later became Habsburg Emperor Charles V.

The Grand Substitution

Riding roughshod over the Emperor, Tu had an edict issued that ordered the entire Chao family put to death.


He rescues the fortress' commander Bayard, and begins his march through the Dalsis Empire towards Emperor Pythion's palace.


Zub is in the employ of Emperor Zub of the Zub galactic empire who has been tasked with retrieving the Green Eye of Zub.

Adalbero of Styria

He sided with the Emperor in the investiture dispute, which led to a confrontation with his younger brother Ottokar II, who sided with the Pope and replaced him in 1082.

Alexios I Komnenos

At the emperor's further insistence, and for their own protection, they took refuge at the convent of Petrion, where they were eventually joined by Maria of Bulgaria, mother of Irene Doukaina.

Aulic Council

Originating during the later Middle Ages as a paid Council of the Emperor, it was organized in its later form by Maximilian I in 1497, as a rival to the Imperial Chamber Court, which the Imperial Diet had forced upon him.

Avalon Series

Quintillus - Brother of the Emperor Claudius II, Constantius's great uncle

Bardi, Emilia-Romagna

In 1269 the castle was stormed by the Guelphs, and the commune of Piacenza held it until 1307, when Emperor Henry VII gave it back to Umbertino II Landi.


1 December 1805 – prior to the Battle of Austerlitz (2 December 1805) the French emperor Napoleon I. is said to have spent a night in his carriage somewhere in the area adjacent to the village

Buliugu Li

Buliugu Li, along with Dugu Ni (獨孤尼), Yuan He, and Baba Kehou (拔拔渴侯), rose in a coup d'etat and overthrew Zong, making Tuoba Jun, the son of Emperor Taiwu's crown prince Tuoba Huang, emperor (as Emperor Wencheng).


Besides spearheading the revival of indigenous dance forms, Chitrasena also made his stage debut as Othello in the Ernest MacIntyre production of Shakespeare's ‘Othello' and Emperor Jones in the late Karan Breckenridge's production of Eugene O'Neill's 'Emperor Jones'.


The emperor Julian went to him by the advice of Aedesius, and subsequently invited him to come to the court and assist in the projected resuscitation of Hellenism.

Claude Lamoral, 6th Prince of Ligne

A state councilor, he reorganized the army in the newly conquered Austrian Netherlands, and in 1720 took possession in the name of the Emperor of the fortified cities of Tournai, Ieper and Menen.

Der Rauchfangkehrer

Commissioned by Emperor Joseph II for his German company, it was first performed on 30 April 1781 at the Burgtheater in Vienna.

Diego de Saavedra Fajardo

Here, with the position of resident ambassador in the court of Maximilian I, Elector of Bavaria, leader of the Holy League, he pursued the union of the pro-Habsburg forces with the German Emperor Ferdinand II and with Catholic powers.

Emperor Go-Murakami

The Emperor and his retinue were confined to Otokoyama, but escaped to Kawachi Province during an attack by Yoshiakira, and a few months later returned to Yoshino.

Emperor Kinmei

Although the imperial court was not moved to the Asuka region of Japan until 592, Emperor Kinmei's rule is considered by some to be the beginning of the Asuka period of Yamato Japan, particularly by those who associate the Asuka period primarily with the introduction of Buddhism to Japan from Korea.

Emperor Tsuchimikado

In 1198, he became emperor upon the abdication of Emperor Go-Toba, who continued to exercise Imperial powers as cloistered emperor.

Empress Feng Qing

Feng Qing was a daughter of Feng Xi (馮熙) the Prince of Changli, who was a brother of the powerful Grand Empress Dowager Feng, the wife of Emperor Wencheng and regent over his son Emperor Xianwen and grandson Emperor Xiaowen.

Empress Yuchi Chifan

Yuchi Chifan's grandfather Yuchi Jiong the Duke of Shu was a renowned general of Northern Zhou and a nephew of Yuwen Tai, Emperor Xuan's grandfather, making her and Emperor Xuan cousins.

Günther XLI, Count of Schwarzburg-Arnstadt

He participated in the siege of Gotha, which was necessary to arrest the deposed Duke John Frederick II of Saxe-Coburg-Eisenach, who had been banned for failure to deliver Wilhelm von Grumbach at the Emperor's demand.


Hamida Banu Begum (1527–1604), wife of the second Mughal Emperor, Humayun, and the mother of Mughal Emperor, Akbar


Prince of Hongnong, personal name Liu Bian, one-time emperor of the Han Dynasty.

Kaduthuruthy Valiya Palli

Located in Kaduthuruthy, the present Kaduthuruthy St. Mary’s Valiapally is a third building serving the congregation, and is linked to the history of the Knanaya community known as Southists (തെക്കു൦ഭാഗർ) (Knanites(ക്നാനായക്കാര്‍)), who migrated to Kerala under the leadership of Kanai Thommen in AD 345 from East Syria to escape from the severe persecution of Persian emperor Shapor-II.


In 816, Emperor Saga accepted Kūkai's request to establish a mountain retreat at Mount Kōya as a retreat from worldly affairs.

La Croix-Valmer

The Emperor Constantine the Great, on the way to wage war against his brother-in-law Maxentius in 312 AD, is said to have had a vision of a cross in the sky stating "in hoc signo vinces" (by this sign you will conquer) at the location where La Croix-Valmer is now situated.

Longfeng Baochai Yuan

Yang Guozhong (楊國忠) is the chancellor during Emperor Xuanzong's reign.


São Gens, a Celtic saint, martyred in Arles na Gália, during the reign of Emperor Diocletian, and over time the locals began to refer to this saint as São Ginês, due to its easy of pronunciation.

Ludwig Quidde

However, Quidde drew an implicit parallel between the Roman Emperor Caligula and Wilhelm II, de facto accusing both rulers of megalomania.

Lý Nhân Tông

Initially, the regency of the young emperor was placed in the hand of the chancellor (Vietnamese: thái sư) Lý Đạo Thành and the Empress Mother Thượng Dương but she was soon dismissed by Lý Nhân Tông after the influence from the emperor's natural mother Ỷ Lan.

Manolya Onur

She was also a granddaughter-in-law of His Imperial Majesty Sultan Abdülmecid II, Emperor of the Ottomans, Commander of the Faithful and "Successor of the Prophet of the Lord of the Universe and Caliph of Islam".

Maria Amalia

Maria Amalia of Austria (1701–1756), was the daughter of Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor, wife of Charles VII, Holy Roman Emperor

Matilda of Franconia

At a meeting with King Henry I of France in Deville in Lorraine in May 1033, Emperor Conrad II agreed to marry his five year old daughter Matilda to Henry I. However, before she could marry, she died in early 1034.

Middle Eastern Empires

In 116 AD, the Roman emperor Trajan invaded the Parthian empire and conquered all the way to Babylon.


Milicz is the site of one of the six Churches of Grace, which the Silesian Protestants were allowed to build with the permission of Emperor Joseph I of Habsburg, King of Bohemia, given at the Altranstädt Convention of 1707.

Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge

The name "Montezuma" was first used in 1806 when Dr. Peter Clark named his hilltop home "Montezuma" after the palace of the Aztec Emperor Montezuma in Mexico City.

Names of Istanbul

It was conferred to it by the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus (193–211) in honour of his son Antoninus, the later Emperor Caracalla.

Odo I, Margrave of the Saxon Ostmark

The West Slavic Polans had established a state east of the Saxon marches and, aiming to advance into the Pomeranian lands north of the Warta river, had reached an agreement with late Margrave Gero and Emperor Otto I: Mieszko's ducal title was confirmed and the Polans paid a recurring tribute to the emperor, which was collected by Margrave Odo.

Pariser Einzugsmarsch

On 31 March 1814, it was played in presence by Emperor Francis II, Tsar Alexander I, and King Friedrich Wilhelm III during the expedition of the allied troops in Paris at the end of the War of the Sixth Coalition.

Peace of Bautzen

Bolesław had enjoyed the close friendship of the emperor Otto III and after his death supported one of Otto's followers, Eckard I, Margrave of Meissen for the position of Holy Roman Emperor, against the claims of Henry II.


Prabhavati was the daughter of a Naga dynasty princess from northern India who had been made a consort of the Gupta emperor Chandragupta II when the Naga lands were overrun by Gupta soldiers.

Religion in Afghanistan

Following this colossal defeat, the last Sassanid Emperor, Yazdegerd III, became a hunted fugitive and fled eastward deep into Central Asia.

Revolt of the Praetorians

One day, Artamne persuades Domitian to hold a sacrificial celebration in the Imperial palace, forcing Lucilla and other patrician daughters to attend and to be subjected to exploitation by the Emperor's lust.

Sikh scriptures

Zafarnamah (epistle of victory, a letter written to Emperor Aurangzeb)


The family reached is peak under the Palaiologan emperors in the late 13th and first half of the 14th century: John Synadenos married Theodora Palaiologina, the niece of Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos, and served as megas stratopedarches, and his sons John and Theodore likewise held senior military commands.


According to this source, the Caesar Lucius Aelius (died 138) invented the dish; his senior colleague, the Emperor Hadrian, liked it; a later emperor, Alexander Severus, liked it too.

Tiberius Gemellus

Tiberius Julius Caesar Nero Gemellus, known as Tiberius Gemellus (10 October AD 19AD 37 or 38) was the son of Drusus and Livilla, the grandson of the Emperor Tiberius, and the cousin of the Emperor Caligula.

Toluca Valley

There was some repression of rebellions under later emperor Ahuitzotl but there was no major military activity in the valley again until the Spanish conquest .


Dioscorides, a Greek physician in the court of the Roman emperor Nero, made the first attempt to classify plants according to their toxic and therapeutic effect.


Roman era artifacts were found at Engfeld and bronze statue of Emperor Gordian III was found at Tägerstein.


Princess Hermine Reuss of Greiz (1887–1947), widow of German Emperor Wilhelm II (1859–1941), lived here from her husband's death until her flight in 1945.

Zhang Tang

The Emperor, feeling regret for Zhang Tang's fate, gave his son Zhang Anshi a promotion to a higher government position.