
6 unusual facts about Qizilbash


The Ansarlu or Ansaroğlu are Oghuz Turks adherent of Twelver Shī‘ism.This tribe belongs to a branch of the Oghuz Turks, belonging to the Qizilbash people of Afghanistan.

European influence in Afghanistan

Dost Mohammad achieved prominence among his brothers through clever use of the support of his mother's Qizilbash tribesmen and his own youthful apprenticeship under his brother, Fateh Khan.

Muhammad Shah

After entering Delhi, Nadir Shah claimed to occupy the Mughal Empire out of religious devotion and that if "the wretched Marathas of the Deccan" moved towards Delhi, he might "send an army of victorious Qizilbash to drive them to the abyss of Hell".

Murad Khane

As part of this development, many ornate structures were constructed to serve as housing for members of the Qizilbash tribe.

Ottoman persecution of Alevis

In 1468-1474 disputes led Mehmed II to drive out tribes, possibly Qizilbāsh, from this area to Rumelia and in 1475 he made an end to the Karaman rule.


From the first quarter of the 16th century till the beginning of the 19th century Shamkir was governed by hereditary rulers of Azerbaijani (Qizilbash) tribe called Shamsaddinli-Zulgadar.


Qizilbash | Qizilbāsh |

Battle of Chaldiran

At Chaldiran, the Ottomans had a larger, better equipped army numbering 60,000 to 200,000, while the Qizilbash Turcomans numbered some 40,000 to 80,000.

Javanshir Qizilbash

Jawanshir Qizilbash is an Azeri tribe and a part of Afshar, adherent of Twelver Shī'ism.

Selim I

In 1514, to reduce the chances of attack during his march to Iran, Selim I sent his officials to the province of Rum, in north-central Anatolia, with orders to register by name anyone identified as Qizilbash, including members of the Alevi population.


One of the common characteristic of these three distinct group of people is that they frequently call themselves as "Kurdish Alawites" and distance themselves from Twelver-Shia-Muslim-Tariqat of the Anatolian Turkish-Qizilbash-Alevi-Bektashis in such a way that the prophecy of Muhammad as it was revealed by the verses of the Quran does not constitute a part of their fundamental religious faith.

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