Many search engines, Google being the most notable example, reward more efficient PPC Ads with higher Quality Scores, which are measured by higher CTRs.
The ad with the highest bid generally shows up first, though additional factors such as ad quality and relevance can sometimes come into play (see Quality Score).
film score | Film score | score | Standard score | SCORE | Quality Comics | Academy Award for Best Original Score | Phred quality score | Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award | IBM Rational Quality Manager | European Quality Improvement System | Council on Environmental Quality | quality management | Quality | Bobby Lewis Quality | water quality | Tramway Quality Handicap | Shaft's Big Score | Seven Basic Tools of Quality | Score Group plc | safety (American football score) | Quality Score | Quality Records | Quality Hill | Quality Control | Quality control | Quality Bicycle Products | quality | Indoor air quality | HP Quality Center |
Sanger format can encode a Phred quality score from 0 to 93 using ASCII 33 to 126 (although in raw read data the Phred quality score rarely exceeds 60, higher scores are possible in assemblies or read maps).