
unusual facts about water quality

Water quality

Biological monitoring metrics have been developed in many places, and one widely used measure is the presence and abundance of members of the insect orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera.

Kaikorai Valley College

Pupils of Kaikorai Valley College use the adjacent Kaikorai Stream for outdoor education, studying water quality and flow, learning fly fishing and monitoring waste water.

Water industry

Whatever the ownership structure, water quality standards and environmental standards relating to wastewater are usually set by national bodies, such as (in the UK) the Drinking Water Inspectorate and the Environment Agency.

see also

Areas of Concern

Great Lakes Areas of Concern managed under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between the United States and Canada

Bonython, Australian Capital Territory

By 1989 construction of houses and the Stranger Pond water quality control pond began and Canberra’s newest suburb was born.

Bow River

As a result, Alberta's premier, Ralph Klein, established the Bow River Water Quality Council as a provincial advisory body.

Carl Axel Soderberg

Upon the creation of the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board (EQB) by Governor Luis A. Ferré, he became an engineer, Associate Director for Air and Water, Chief of the Water Quality Bureau, Alternate Member and Vice Chairman of the EQB.

Cedar Bayou, Texas

Cedar Bayou is listed as being impaired for certain water quality issues, including bacteria, impaired macrobenthic communities, and PCBs and Dioxins in edible fish tissue.

Christopher Cabaldon

He has served on an array of state and regional commissions, including being appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly to the Commission on Regionalism, member of the Blue Ribbon Committee for the Governor's Initiative to Turn Around Failing Schools, appointed by Governor Gray Davis to the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, and a member of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Protection Commission.

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation

In his 1998 Clean Water Action Plan, President Bill Clinton mandated the USDA and the EPA to join forces to develop a framework for future actions to improve national water quality standards for public health.

Disease surveillance in China

Issues to be addressed include a prospective study of the health consequences of smoking, an assessment of drinking-water quality and disease occurrence, an evaluation of the national "Expanded Program on Immunization", and an epidemiologic study of hepatitis.

Environmental issues in Austria

The water resources fund of the Ministry for Buildings and Technology distributed more than $20 billion for canalization and waste-water purification plants between 1959 and the early 1980s; the Danube and the Mur have been the special focus of efforts to improve water quality.

Indicator bacteria

Once water quality standards are approved, states are tasked with monitoring their surface waters to determine where impairments occur, and watershed plans called Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) are developed to direct water quality improvement efforts including changes to allowable bacteria loading by point sources and recommendations for changes to practices that reduce nonpoint-source contributions to bacteria loads.

Inland saline aquaculture

Macquarie perch - wide tolerance over range of salinity and water quality levels, not suitable for commercial quantities


Despite the implementation of sewage treatment, overall water quality remained poor, until the major disaster of 23 February 2010, when unknown criminals poured into the river, near Villasanta, the contents of several silos containing oil and other hydrocarbons, all belonging to a company named "Lombardia Petroli".

Nutrient pollution

The regulatory mechanism in the United States, a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), prescribes the maximum amount of a pollutant (including nutrients) that a body of water can receive while still meeting U.S. Clean Water Act water quality standards.

Paul H. Brunner

He currently is professor and head of the waste and resources management group at the Institute for Water Quality and Wastes Management, Vienna University of Technology in Austria.

Santa Monica Bay

Through restoration projects mandated by the Clean Water Act and advocated by groups such as Heal the Bay and the Surfrider Foundation, the bay's water quality has improved fairly dramatically from its early-1980s nadir.

Secchi disk

Secchi disk measurements have been an integral component of Minnesota's lake water quality assessment programs for some time; lake residents make periodic measurements and submit their readings to state and local agencies.

Tannic acid

Skin color in Crocodilia (crocodiles and alligators) is very dependent on water quality.


The authors also argue that feral cats act as vectors for diseases that can impact domestic cats, wildlife and humans, examples include feline leukemia virus, feline immunodeficiency virus, fleas and ear mites (which are also carried by canines and wildlife), hookworms, roundworms, Bartonella, Rickettsia, Coxiella and Toxoplasma gondii, and that fecal matter has also been shown to degrade water quality.


The current water quality allows for a stable fish fauna, with five species populating the river, namely salmon (extinct in 1940 and restored thanks to the re-population programs of 1980s), trout, ezkailu (Phoxinus phoxinus), loach and eel.


This chemical danger initially caused the Environment Agency to also issue a warning about water quality in the River Plym, but they later concluded the river was unaffected.