
3 unusual facts about Quarto

Ninth Municipality of Naples

The municipality is located in the north-western suburb of the city and borders with Marano di Napoli, Quarto and Pozzuoli.


Bibliographer Alfred W. Pollard named those editions Bad quartos, and it is speculated that they may have been produced, not from manuscript texts, but from actors who had memorized their lines.

Eighteen of Shakespeare's 36 plays included in first folio collected edition of 1623, were previously separately printed as quartos, with a single exception that was printed in octavo.

Adrian Batten

Batten is credited with the preservation of many pieces of church music of the time, compiled in the Batten Organbook (now in possession of St. Michael's College, Tenbury), a 498-page quarto in his handwriting.

Alan Booth

Among the plays he directed at Birmingham University were Hamlet (First Quarto), done in Noh style, and his own translation of Racine's Phèdre, set in a Samurai milieu.

Arena das Dunas

The stadium is going to be located by the Senador Salgado Filho Avenue (BR-101 highway), a multi-lane road already served by the Complexo Viário do Quarto Centenário (Fourth Centennial Complex road).

Arthur Symons

In 1884–1886 he edited four of Bernard Quaritch's Shakespeare Quarto Facsimiles, and in 1888–1889 seven plays of the "Henry Irving" Shakespeare.

Eastward Hoe

Eastward Ho was entered into the Stationers' Register on 4 September 1605 and printed later that year in a quarto issued by the bookseller William Aspley, printed by George Eld.

François Jules Pictet de la Rive

He now directed his attention to the fossils of his native country, more especially to those of the Cretaceous and Jurassic strata, and in 1854 he commenced the publication of his great work, Matériaux pour la paléontologie suisse, ou Recueil de monographies sur les fossiles du Jura et des Alpes..., a series of quarto memoirs, of which six were published (1854-1873).

In Vanda's Room

No Quarto da Vanda is a kind of sequel to the drama film Ossos (1997) in which Vanda Duarte plays as an actress.

Joachim Barrande

The first volume of his great work, Système silurien du centre de la Bohême (dealing with trilobites, several genera, including Deiphon, which he personally described), appeared in 1852; and from that date until 1881, he issued twenty-one quarto volumes of text and plates.

Joan Ambrosio Dalza

His surviving works comprise the fourth volume of Ottaviano Petrucci's influential series of lute music publications, Intabolatura de lauto libro quarto (Venice, 1508).

Monsieur Thomas

The 1639 quarto bears a commedatory poem written by Richard Brome, and an Epistle to Fletcher's admirer Charles Cotton, also signed by Brome.

Robert Allot

An entry in the Stationers' Register dated 16 November 1630 transferred the rights to sixteen Shakespearean plays from Edward Blount, one of the publishers of the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays, to Robert Allot; these were sixteen of the eighteen plays in the First Folio that had not been previously published in quarto editions.

Robert Armin

The preface to the 1609 quarto indicates that he played Blue John, a clown in the vein of Tarlton and Kempe; he also seems to have doubled in the role of Tutch, a witty fool of the type he later played in London.

Rowland Heylyn

Heylyn supported with Thomas Myddelton publication of the Welsh quarto Bible of 1630, which was bound with the Welsh Prayer Book and the Edmund Prys translation of the Psalter.

Salmanticenses and Complutenses

It appeared at Lyon in 1670 in five quarto volumes, under the title "Collegii Complutensis Fr. Discalc. B. M. V. de Monte Carmeli Artium cursus ad breviorem formam collectus et novo ordine atque faciliori stylo dispositus".

The Lady of Pleasure

In this context, note that the 1637 quarto was dedicated to Richard Lovelace, who had been created Baron Lovelace of Hurley in 1627.

The Ornithology of Australia

It was authored by Silvester Diggles of Brisbane and was originally issued in 21 parts, each part containing six plates (126 plates in all) with short descriptive letterpress, in imperial quarto format, with the leaves of the plates 39 cm in height.

The Tragedy of Arthur

He wants Arthur to claim the quarto was found by Sil in an attic in the 1950s, and to verify that nobody else would have a claim to the text (namely, the estates of the printer and publisher, William White and Cuthbert Burby).

The True Tragedy of Richard III

The play was entered into the Stationers' Register on 19 June 1594; it appeared in print later that year, in a quarto printed and published by Thomas Creede and sold by the stationer William Barley, "at his shop in Newgate Market, near Christ Church door."

The Widow's Tears

The quarto bears Chapman's dedication to John Reed of Mitton, misidentifying Mitton's Worcestershire location as Gloucestershire.

Thomas Tonkin

Tonkin put forth in 1737 proposals for printing a history of Cornwall, in three volumes of imperial quarto at three guineas; and on 19 July 1736 he prefixed to a collection of modern Cornish pieces and a Cornish vocabulary, which he had drawn up for printing, a dedication to William Gwavas of Gwavas, his chief assistant (this dedication was sent by Prince L. L. Bonaparte on 30 November 1861 to the 'Cambrian Journal,' and there reprinted to show the indebtedness to Tonkin's labours of William Pryce.

To be, or not to be

William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies, published by Isaac Jaggard and Ed Blount in 1623 and better known as the "First Folio", includes an edition of Hamlet largely similar to the Second Quarto.

see also