
unusual facts about Question!


The song was first premiered by the famous Los Angeles, California radio station KROQ-FM on May 23, 2005 and was released to alternative and rock radio stations on July 12 of the same year.

A G Noorani

He is the author of a number of books including: 'The Kashmir Question', 'Badruddin Tyabji Ministers' Misconduct', 'Brezhnev's Plan for Asian Security', 'The Presidential System', 'The Trial of Bhagat Singh', 'Constitutional Questions in India' and 'The RSS and the BJP: A Division of Labour' (LeftWord 2000).


To answer the question - Is it possible to receive AIS signals from a 1U cubesat ?

Air Cargo World

The United States Department of War was relying on aircraft to deliver war supplies, but the long-term future of air cargo as an independent industry was in question.

Alexander Butterfield

As it happened, Butterfield was asked the direct question by the minority (Republican) counsel, Donald Sanders.

Antonio Davis

The fan in question, Michael Axelrod, the son of David Axelrod, the 2008 campaign manager for Barack Obama, has stated that he was attacked by Davis' wife, and his lawyer revealed plans to sue for roughly a million dollars and a public apology by the Davises.

Batman: Revenge

With the use of the Batmobile and the Batplane (Batwing), the Caped Crusader must again defend the people of Gotham City against the question-marked villain and his gang of henchmen.

Becky Jago

While she was a Newsround presenter, she appeared on a celebrity version of The Weakest Link but was the first to be eliminated after incorrectly answering the 50/50 question, "What is the safest way to read a firework instruction manual - A torch or a match?"

Bessie Head

Most of Bessie Head's important works are set in Serowe, in particular the three novels When Rain Clouds Gather, Maru, and A Question of Power.

Bradford Abbas

The name of the village signifies the "Abbot's broad ford" on the River Ivel, the abbot in question being that of Sherborne; the land was given to Sherborne Abbey by King Alfred the Great.

Bunny Guinness

Gardener's Question Time: All Your Gardening Problems Solved (with co-authors John Cushnie, Bob Flowerdew, Pippa Greenwood, Anne Swithinbank, and photographs from The Garden Picture Gallery and others, paperback, 325 pages, Bookmart Limited, 2005, ISBN 1-84509-189-2)

Center for Justice and Peacebuilding

As urged by founding director John Paul Lederach, CJP has sought to avoid imposing North American models on conflict resolution on the rest of the world; instead it advocates strategies suggested by “cues and patterns elicited by the culture in question,” preferably by people intimately connected to that culture.

Clay Puett

In 1988, Puett was featured as part of a question on the game show Jeopardy!

Convergent thinking

The second type of convergent thinking task were insight problems, which gave the subjects some contextual facts and then asked them a question requiring interpretation.

Craft Lake City

The festival partnered with the Salt Lake Film Festival to continue festivities a second day, August 15, with a screening of Faythe Levine’s film “Handmade Nation” followed by a question and answer session with some Craft Lake City artists.

Daria Dmitrieva

The head coach of Russia, President of the Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics, Irina Viner said the question of participation in the Olympics remained open and would be resolved only after the June Grand Prix in Austria and the World Cup in Belarus in July.

Fortified Region of Metz

The Commission on Defense of the Frontiers (commission de défense des frontiers) was established on 31 December 1925 by Prime Minister Paul Painlevé, to once again consider the question of the frontiers.

Frans Hals

However, as biographer Seymour Slive has pointed out, the Frans Hals in question was not the artist, but another Haarlem resident of the same name.

Gary Reams

He debated Democrat Tim Kaine on public television, persistently linking every question to the marijuana issue, which he regarded as relevant to all other political issues, including taxes, law enforcement, the environment, foreign policy, and public safety.

History of Baden-Württemberg

The new king, William I (reigned 1816–1864), at once took up the constitutional question and, after much discussion, granted a new constitution in September 1819.

Inside Magic

Whit Haydn, Arthur Trace, Murray Hatfield, and others have been featured in the question and answer format.

James W. York

In any physical theory, it is important to understand when solutions to the fundamental field equation exist, and answering this question has been the central theme of York's scientific work, culminating in the achievement, with Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat, of formulating the Einstein field equation as a well-posed system in the sense of the theory of partial differential equations.

Jewish Military Union

In recent years, new research has been published on the ŻZW which has called into question the validity of some of what was written on the underground organization, including and most recently Maciej Kledzik, Marian Apfelbaum, Stefan Bratkowski and Moshe Arens.

John Anthony Gallagher

Unfortunately though, Gallagher's defense came into question later in that game when giant Kangaroo second rower Paul Sironen scored two tries, both times running over the top of him.

Jorge Cervantes

He wrote a monthly question-and-answer column, Jorge's Rx, from 2000 to 2010 located in High Times magazine's cultivation section, Cervantes provides his solutions to growers problems.

José María Obando

The conflict began when Congress passed a law to suppress small convents and monasteries and re-appropriate the land in Pasto, the law was not intended to punish the Church as the places in question were indeed small and sparingly occupied by mostly Ecuadorian clergy, but the deeply Roman Catholic province went up in arms at the involvement of the government in their religious affairs, even after the Bishop of Popayán had approved of the measure.

Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda

The Valladolid Controversy was organized by King Charles V (grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella) to give an answer to the question whether the Native Americans were capable of self-governance.

Life of Constantine

The reliability as a historical text has been called into question by several historians, most notably Timothy Barnes, throughout history, due to its questionable motives and writing style.

Marxism and the National Question

"Marxism and the National Question" (Russian:Марксизм и национальный вопрос) is an article written by Joseph Stalin at the end of 1912–1913 in Vienna, at the insistence of Lenin.

News Corporation takeover bid for BSkyB

It was in the wake of the Milly Dowler phone hacking allegations that a significant number of people, including former deputy prime minister John Prescott and other politicians, began to seriously question whether the takeover of BSkyB by News Corporation ought to be blocked.

Niagara Scow

Since a rescue boat was out of the question, the Niagara Falls (Ontario) Fire Department tried using a grappling gun to shoot a life line out towards the barge, from atop the roof of the Toronto Power House while awaiting the arrival of the US Coast Guard from Youngstown, New York to bring a heavier grappling gun.


Otto Bardenhewer (Kirchenlexikon, IX, 1905, coll. 706-10) is doubtful about it; Ehrhard (in Krumbacher's "Byzantin. Litter.", 132) says: "The name Oecumenius represents in the present state of investigation a riddle that can be solved only by thorough critical study of the manuscripts in connexion with the whole question of the Catenae."

Oklahoma Question 711

On January 14, 2014, Judge Terence C. Kern of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma declared Question 711 unconstitutional.

Pär Lagerkvist

Among his central themes was the fundamental question of good and evil, which he examined through such figures as the man who was freed instead of Jesus, Barabbas; and the Persian King, Ahasuerus.

Peter Trynchy

Fort McMurray MLA Adam Germain was the first member to bring up a question regarding Sandstar paving his driveway on November 1, 1994.

Pippa Greenwood

Gardener's Question Time: All Your Gardening Problems Solved (with co-authors John Cushnie, Bob Flowerdew, Bunny Guinness, Anne Swithinbank, illustrations by Bunny Guinness, and photographs from The Garden Picture Gallery and others, paperback, 325 pages, Bookmart Limited, 2005, ISBN 1-84509-189-2)


Many see the incident as having strong parallels with a previous case where MP David Amess asked a question in Parliament about a fictitious drug called "Cake".

Question P

The effort to gather signatures to put Question P on the ballot, in the first place, was spearheaded by a grassroots political action coalition that included Community and Labor United for Baltimore (CLUB), the Baltimore Green Party, the Baltimore office of ACORN and state delegates Curt Anderson and Jill P. Carter.

Raise a question of privilege

The United States House of Representatives has two similarly named procedures, "Question of the Privileges of the House" and "Privileged Questions"

Rajae El Mouhandiz

2007 "Conversations With Ice" by Sahr Ngaujah – Over 't IJ 2007. The question of Value (Who decides Who buys), within the context of the global diamond trade, Sierra Leone’s child soldiers, and it's links to the Bling sub-culture in Hip-Hop.

Randy Stumpfhauser

Single question interview asked of Stumpfhauser and four other profession racers including Christophe Lévêque, Michelle Cairns, Neal Wood, and Jamie Lilly.

Sir Andrew Buchanan, 1st Baronet

In 1853, he was named envoy extraordinary to the king of Denmark, and he acted as her majesty's representative at the conference of Copenhagen in November 1855 for the definite arrangement of the Sound dues question.

Stephen Maxwell

His friend Owen Dudley Edwards, an Irish-born Edinburgh historian, remembers his press briefings as unique: "Hostile journalists were staggered to hear him explain that their objections to this or that in the party were not really rewarding subjects but that a more useful question to raise would be this other."

Sugar Ramos

Bob Dylan wrote a song about the event where Davey Moore succumbed to death while posing the question of public responsibility.

The Big Gundown

Impressed by Corbett's (Van Cleef) unexcelled reputation of bringing criminals to justice and execution without question, a local powerbroker named Mr. Brockston (Walter Barnes) meets Corbett.

Thinking Skills Assessment

The multiple-choice answers (Section 1) are marked by the Admissions Testing Service with 1 mark available per question.

Tom Brock Lecture

David Rowe, an academic, caused some controversy when he used his 2006 lecture to question football's prospects in the future following negative off-field media coverage.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 478

In remarks made to the Council, then-U.S. Secretary of State Edmund Muskie said "The question of Jerusalem must be addressed in the context of negotiations for a comprehensive, just and lasting Middle East peace."

Vidalia onion

The 1999 album Oh! The Grandeur, by American musician Andrew Bird, includes a song called 'Vidalia', an ode to the onion in question.

Voltage spike

While generally referred to as a voltage spike, the phenomenon in question is actually an energy spike, in that it is measured not in volts but in joules; a transient response defined by a mathematical product of voltage, current, and time.

Wilhelm Ljunggren

Ljunggren also posed the question of finding the integer solutions to the Ramanujan–Nagell equation

see also