
6 unusual facts about Quintus Caecilius Iucundus

Quintus Caecilius Iucundus

The book then travels back in time to Alexandria, in Roman Egypt, where Quintus frees his slave Clemens and befriends Barbillus, a very rich Roman.

"The Fires of Pompeii", a Doctor Who episode where Quintus, Lucius, and Metella are characters

Quintus Caecilius Iucundus is a character in the Cambridge Latin Course series of books, set in the Ancient Roman Empire.

In Book Two, the reader finds Quintus in Roman Britain, living in the house of a distant relative named Salvius, who is also a historical figure.

As Caecilius is dying, he sends his slave Clemens to find Quintus, and give him the rights to Caecilius' property and fortune.

The Fires of Pompeii

The Doctor wishes to learn more about the sculptures and enlists Lucius Caecilius' son Quintus to help him break into Lucius Petrus' house.

see also