
3 unusual facts about Quintus Labienus

Herodian kingdom

After Julius Caesar was murdered in 44 BCE, Quintus Labienus, a Roman republican general and ambassador to the Parthians, sided with Brutus and Cassius in the Liberators' civil war; after their defeat Labienus joined the Parthians and assisted them in invading Roman territories in 40 BCE.

Polemon I of Pontus

Zenon encouraged the locals to resist the Roman General Quintus Labienus and King Pacorus I of Parthia, when their armies invaded Syria and Anatolia.

Quintus Labienus

After Brutus and Cassius fled east to Macedonia and were defeated there in the Battle of Philippi by Caesar's imperialist successors (the Second Triumvirate, particularly Mark Antony and Caesar's heir Octavian, the future emperor Augustus), Labienus joined the Parthians.

see also