
4 unusual facts about Raúl Alfonsín

Argentine punk

When the military government ended in 1983 and Raúl Alfonsín's democratic government (1983–1989) started, a new generation of punk bands was born in Argentina.

Casa Rosada

Currently, the busts are only made for presidents who have been out of office for at least two presidential mandates; the most current one is that of Raúl Alfonsín.

Daniel Herrendorf

La constitución reformada, obra colectiva (Vanossi, Barra, Raúl Alfonsín, Sagüés, Bidart Campos, Herrendorf, otros), Primer Seminario sobre la Reforma Constitucional de 1994, Ministerio del Interior de la República Argentina – Centro de Estudios Constitucionales de Madrid, Buenos Aires 1996.

José Sarney

Sarney and the president of Argentina Raúl Alfonsín started the process of the creation of a common market between the two nations in 1985.

Argentine Open Theatre

The return of democracy, however, also helped deprive the festival of its status as the leading forum for artistic defiance of a repressive regime; indeed, one of the Open Theatre's leading figures, Carlos Gorostiza, had been appointed Secretary of Culture by newly elected President Raúl Alfonsín.

see also

Ricardo Alfonsín

Ricardo Luis Alfonsín was born in the Pampas town of Chascomús to María Lorenza Barreneche and Raúl Alfonsín; the latter was at the time a local lawyer and councilman active in the centrist Radical Civic Union (UCR).