
unusual facts about Rache


The picture below, though it did not appear in Boece's original, was first published to illustrate his account when it was summarised in Conrad Gessner's Historiae Animalium (Zurich 1554, in Latin).


Franziska von Reitzenstein

Gozzi’s Rache ("Revenge of Gozzi", novella), published in the evening paper of the Bayerische Zeitung, 1865

Kai Pflaume

Different TV shows on broadcaster SAT1 followed since 1993, for example Die Glücksspirale, Rache ist süß, Die Comedy-Falle, Stars am Limit, Die LEGO Show, Träume werden wahr, Deutschland hilft - Spenden für die Opfer der Flutkatastrophe or Die Chance deines Lebens.

Uncle Wiggily

Other illustrators of the series included George L. Carlson, Louis Wisa, Elmer Rache, Edward Bloomfield, Lang Campbell and Mary and Wallace Stover.

Vera Karalli

After fleeing to the West following the October Revolution, Karalli made her final film appearance in the 1921 Robert Wiene-directed German silent drama Die Rache einer Frau opposite Olga Engl and Franz Egenieff, credited as "Vera Caroly".

see also