In late 2010, Rachel K was the first to launch a Mineral Color Control (CC) cream, offering all the benefits of its predecessor - the famed BB cream - in an improved formula, this innovative product provides 10 benefits in a single application.
Born and bred in Singapore, Rachel graduated in Finance at the University of Western Australia and worked in a hedge fund company trading commodities first and then as a Brand Manager.
Rachel | Rachel Carson | Rachel Whiteread | Rachel Ward | Rachel Hunter | Rachel Weisz | Rachel Dratch | Rachel Bilson | Rachel Roy | Rachel Griffiths | Rachel Zoe | Rachel Sweet | Rachel Stamp | Rachel Ruysch | Rachel McAdams | Rachel Maddow | Rachel Homan | Rachel Corrie | Rachel Tucker | Rachel Smith | Rachel Rath | Rachel McLish | Rachel Grady | Rachel Farley | Rachel Blau DuPlessis | Rachel Summers | Rachel Speght | Rachel's Challenge | Rachel Reilly | Rachel Kramer Bussel |