In late 1996, Simon Fraser University (SFU) student Rachel Marsden and SFU swimming coach Liam Donnelly lodged complaints with the SFU harassment office against one another over events that occurred in 1994 and 1995.
Rachel | Marsden | Marsden, West Yorkshire | Rachel Carson | Rachel Whiteread | Rachel Ward | Rachel Hunter | Gerry Marsden | Rachel Weisz | Rachel Dratch | Rachel Bilson | Rachel Roy | Rachel Griffiths | Rachel Zoe | James Marsden | William Marsden | The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust | Samuel Marsden | Rachel Sweet | Rachel Stamp | Rachel Ruysch | Rachel McAdams | Rachel Maddow | Rachel Homan | Rachel Corrie | Marsden, Queensland | Rachel Tucker | Rachel Smith | Rachel Rath | Rachel McLish |