By 1904, Colombia was still hurting from the events of the civil Thousand Days' War and the loss of the Panama Canal.
Rafael Nadal | San Rafael, California | Rafael Hernández Colón | Rafael Viñoly | San Rafael | Rafael Trujillo | Rafael Moneo | Efren Reyes | Los Reyes | Severino Reyes | Rafael Osuna | Rafael Benítez | Point Reyes | Jorge Rafael Videla | Rafael Sabatini | Rafael Correa | Rafael Cordero Santiago | Rafael Alberti | San Rafael, Mendoza | San Rafael, Bulacan | Rafael Squirru | Rafael Lozano-Hemmer | Rafael Escalona | Rafael | Raúl Reyes | Rafael Sperafico | Rafael Solano | Rafael Ruelas | Rafael Rosell | Rafael Morales |