The film is a two-story, "Pedrong Walang Takot" and "Mariang Alimango" derived from the short stories of Mga Kuwento ni Lola Basyang written by Severino Reyes.
Mga Kuwento ni Lola Basyang (The Stories of Grandmother Basyang) is a series of short stories written by "Lola Basyang," pen name of Severino Reyes, founder and editor of the Tagalog magazine, Liwayway.
San Severino Marche | San Severino | Efren Reyes | Los Reyes | Severino Reyes | Point Reyes | Raúl Reyes | Nicanor Reyes, Sr. | Manfred Reyes Villa | Kamar de los Reyes | Howie Severino | Claudia Reyes | Alfonso Reyes | Walfredo Reyes, Jr. | San Sebastián de los Reyes | Robert Reyes | Reyes Estévez | Maryo J. de los Reyes | Marco Aurelio Severino | Jorge Reyes | Francisco Reyes Morandé | Estadio Sergio Antonio Reyes | Emanuele Severino | Cristine Reyes | Williams Reyes | Vicente Reyes | Severino Vasconcelos | Severino Di Giovanni | Sean Reyes | Rosie Reyes |
The Spanish lyrics of Bayan Ko were originally written for the Severino Reyes zarzuela, Walang Sugat ("no wound").
It made significant contribution to the field of literature when it introduced the popular masterpieces of great Filipino poets and writers like Jose Corazon de Jesus, Florentino Collanates, Julian Cruz Balmaceda, Cecilio Apostol Borromeo, Lope K. Santos, Inigo Ed Regalado, Romualdo Ramos, Francisco Lacsamana, Fausto Galauran and Pedrito Reyes, the son of Severino Reyes who later succeeded him as the editor of Liwayway.