
5 unusual facts about Rainbow trout

Celilo Village, Oregon

Many residents are fishers engaging in ceremonial, subsistence, and commercial fisheries for salmon, steelhead, and sturgeon in the Columbia River.


In 2008, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) imposed 1000 ft buffer zones around salmon habitat to protect endangered salmon and steelhead species.

Socialist Party of Oregon

While some worked in the area's not insubstantial timber industry, most of the Finns in Astoria caught steelhead and salmon on the Columbia, working independently as small proprietors on their own boats.


SPAWN’s water conservation program is focused on reducing the impacts of stormwater runoff on local streams and ensuring adequate in stream flow and spawning and rearing habitat for coho salmon and steelhead in the Lagunitas Creek.

The Lagunitas Creek Watershed is also important habitat for federally listed steelhead and California freshwater shrimp.

Barkly East

It has been one of the few areas in South Africa where winter sports are pursued, and in summer fly fishing for Rainbow trout and indigenous Smallmouth yellowfish, trail running, mountain biking, ancient rock-art, tennis and the magnificent scenery draw tourists to the district.

California Coastal Conservancy

The goals of this project are to restore large patches of tidal marsh that support a wide variety of fish, wildlife and plants, including special status mammals and water birds - specifically the salt marsh harvest mouse, California Clapper Rail, and Black Rail, endangered fish - specifically the Delta smelt, Sacramento splittail, steelhead trout and Chinook salmon, and aquatic animals.

Cazadero, California

Anadromous fish such as Coho salmon and steelhead are found in local streams but are threatened by overfishing and habitat destruction caused by logging practices.

Joseph Canyon

The lands currently provide wildlife habitat for two federally listed threatened species, the bald eagle and the Snake River steelhead, and may provide habitat for the threatened lynx, Townsend's Big-eared Bat, and Mountain Quail.

Lake Lyndon

It is roughly an hour from Christchurch and is a popular site for rainbow trout fishing as the trout population in the lake is thriving due to the dense oxygen weed beds that provide a plentiful food source.

Lake Tota

The average water temperature of 13°C allowed for the introduction of rainbow trout (Onchorynchus mykiss) which created a valuable wild fishery (a mounted specimen in Restaurante Lucho, Aquitania, reportedly early in the 90's, weighed 7 kg) and cage culture aquaculture, but predation on native fish species as led to the now accepted extinction of the pez graso or grease fish (Rhizosomichthys totae) believed native to only this lake.

Llandegfedd Reservoir

The reservoir supports several varieties of fish – rainbow trout, bream, roach, pike and perch.

Quesnel River

The Quesnel River supports a number of fish species, the most significant of which are Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Largescale sucker (Catostomus macrocheilus), Longnose sucker (Catostomus catostomus), Redside shiner (Richardsonius balteatus), Northern pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus oregonensis), Peamouth chub (Mylocheilus caurinus), and Lake chub (Couesius plumbeus).

Sleeping Beauty transposon system

The construction for the transposase began by fusing portions of two inactive transposon sequences from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and one inactive transposon sequence from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and then repairing small deficits in the functional domains of the transposase enzyme (Fig. 3).

Speed River

There are several species of fish in the Speed River, including smallmouth and largemouth bass, rainbow, brown and brook trout, northern pike, bullhead, carp and panfish.

Spokane River

Today, the Spokane River supports populations of rainbow trout, northern pikeminnow, and Bridgelip Suckers (Catostomus columbianus), as well as several non-native species.

Stein Valley Nlaka'pamux Heritage Park

The Stein River contains Dolly Varden char, rainbow trout and Rocky Mountain whitefish, as well as steelhead trout, coho, pink and chinook salmon.

Suncor Energy Fluvarium

Research into the pigmentation of rainbow trout flesh using Rhodotorula in prepared diets was investigated in partnership with the Newfoundland and Labrador Institute of Fisheries and Marine Technology Aquaculture Unit.

Talbingo Dam

The reservoir is a popular area for fishing; inclusive of Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, Golden Perch, Macquarie Perch, Redfin, and Trout Cod.

see also

7 Valleys Pas de Calais

The river is populated with rainbow trout, sea trout, eel, pike and roach and although you can walk along both banks, the right hand side is more picturesque.

Bill Morrissey

A good many of his friends were also writers and so when they'd get together the talk would go from rainbow trout to Eudora Welty to Upland hunting ruffed grouse.

Unmistakeably Rainbow Trout

Album tracks included the band's future No. 1 independent chart hit "Out of Order", which was also included on the band's next album The Big Eye Am (which had a wider release than Unmistakeably Rainbow Trout, including a CD issue).